
Homemade mixture to mop the floor and keep cockroaches away from the kitchen

By Lilia

Unfortunately, it is very common to see cockroaches visiting our kitchen. In fact, it is their favorite place, especially at night. The reason is that they have found some leftover food and especially because the owners are not home at night.

As we well know, there are many products with toxic components to eliminate them and also to prevent them from entering the home, however, there are some more natural and homemade alternatives available to block the entrance.

On this occasion we are referring to homemade cleaning methods or tricks that will prevent them from invading us, for example a mixture of ingredients that we will use to mop the floor.

Let’s see the recipe below:

It is a mixture with ingredients that we already have at home, easy, simple and highly effective to scare away these unpleasant visitors.


  • White vinegar
  • 1 Bucket
  • c/n of Water
  • Floor cleaner (the product we are usually using)

Procedure, step by step:

  1. First, we add one part white vinegar and one part floor cleaner as a deodorant or similar.
  2. Next, we add an equal amount of water, mix well and we can mop every corner of the kitchen.
  3. The results will be surprising and will act as a repellent for cockroaches.

Important:  If this method is not enough, it may be necessary to call a fumigator.

Tricks and tips:

Another recommendation that acts as a cockroach repellent is aromatic plants, for example species such as mint, bay leaves or garlic seem to have the property of keeping these unpleasant insects away.

Another trick is baking soda, which is very lethal for exterminating cockroaches. The bait is sugar, which will make them attracted to the sweet smell and taste. In this way, they will ingest the mixture that will turn out to be their death trap.

Something very common that they used to use before was insecticide powder. It is practical to place a little in a container in strategic points or corners of the house and we will observe how, when they become impregnated with this substance, they will take it with them to their nests and infect the others.

We also have the famous sprays available to exterminate these pests. We know that it requires persistence to get rid of them and the cost they have. But without a doubt, it is another help to scare them away from the house.

To conclude and as we already saw in this article, you not only have to eliminate cockroaches but also keep the floors very clean and disinfected. For this, white vinegar is very effective.

Let’s try all these homemade tricks and methods to put an end to cockroaches!