
Homemade Mouse Repellent Spray

By Lilia

Rats are animals that rarely attack humans, and if they do it is simply because they entered their territory. Even if they do not attack us, these rodents are usually a danger due to the number of diseases they can transmit. Therefore, in this article we teach you how to make a homemade mouse repellent spray and other types of methods to protect yourself and your family

The good thing about these methods is that we usually use inexpensive products that are easy to find in any supermarket. In addition, we make sure not to harm the animal and that it can continue its life away from your home.

Homemade Mouse Repellent Spray
Homemade Mouse Repellent Spray

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Pay attention to the following ways to scare away mice from your house:

9 ways to get rid of mice at home:

1. Less cruel traps

These types of traps can be found in any market. They are usually easy to use, you just have to read the instructions carefully since there are several on sale and they are different when it comes to catching these rodents.

If you don’t have instructions and it’s a cage type trap, it’s best to put some food at the very bottom and put it in a place where mice usually live. I recommend using gloves when handling these traps, since mice can smell and will prefer to get food by other means.

2. Peppermint essential oil

Many people use this, as it leaves a very pleasant smell in the house, we love it, but mice hate this type of smell. For this method, we are going to do the following:

  • We need a lot of cotton and with it we make a couple of balls (the number of balls we need is the number of rooms there are in your house).
  • In each one we have to add between 20 to 30 drops of mint essential oil.
  • Then we put it in the rooms (especially the kitchen and bathroom).

Every week, we have to replace these buns with new ones, this way we will scare away any mouse that wants to enter our house.

3. Clove essential oil

Another oil that they hate is clove oil. This has to be done exactly the same as in the previous step, but we can increase the potency of the aroma by adding a couple of cloves in the center of the cotton.

4. Bay leaves

Laurel is a great repellent for rats and insects. The ideal is to have some branches in places where mice are and change them once they dry out. But the most advisable thing is to have some pots at the entrances of the house to scare them away and not have to worry about changing the dry leaves.

5. Aluminum foil

For this method, we have to cover some surfaces where they can climb, whether in the kitchen or the bathroom. The texture of the aluminum foil is slippery for them, which makes it impossible to climb and the noise it makes scares them away.

6. Homemade mouse repellent spray

To make a homemade mouse repellent spray, you need some hot peppers. The spicier these peppers are, the greater their effectiveness. I recommend using protective gloves, since you can irritate your hands and part of your skin.

You will need to:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1/2 cup of chopped hot chili pepper (if it is habanero, better)
  • 2 tbsp. of Chili Pepper Seed

Preparation and method of use:

  1. In a blender, put all the ingredients and blend for a few minutes until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
  2. We put the mixture in a jar and let it rest covered for 1 day.
  3. After time, we strain the mixture and put the liquid in a sprayer.
  4. We spray everywhere in the house, especially in places where we know people will pass by. Be careful with carpets and furniture, as it can stain them.

In this way, we obtain a homemade mouse repellent spray without spending more!

7. Dryer sheets

These dryer sheets (or also called dryer sheets) have a particular smell that mice absolutely hate. We simply have to put these wipes in places where mice can enter. We have to change these wipes once every 2 weeks.

8. Mothballs

Another type of smell that these types of rodents cannot stand is the smell given off by mothballs. They are very effective, but dangerous if you have pets and/or children in the home, since they are toxic if ingested.

9. Adopt or buy a cat

Cats instinctively hunt any animal that moves. When in your house, our pet gives off odors and hair that the mice easily detect and leave the place as quickly as possible.

In this way, we will effectively scare away these small rodents without harming them.

10. The tomato and spiral method

To make a repellent to scare away rats and mice, you will need tomato and spiral insecticide.

Start by cutting the tomato into thin slices. Place the tomato slices in a bowl and rub them with insecticide spiral. Once the tomato slices are evenly coated with insecticide, spread them around the areas that rats and mice frequent. The smell of the tomato combined with the insecticide spiral will be unpleasant for rodents, causing them to move away from the area.

To further increase the effectiveness of the repellent, repeat this process every few days, as the smell will eventually fade and the rodents can get used to it.