
Get rid of rats and cockroaches by applying this

By Lilia

The problem of rats and rodents in homes can be persistent and challenging. These creatures, although small, can cause significant damage to our homes and are also carriers of various diseases.

Although there are numerous commercial solutions available, we often opt for more natural and less toxic methods, especially when there are children or pets in the home.

We recommend: How to scare away rats without killing them

Therefore, I present to you a homemade, economical and highly effective solution that will help you get rid of these undesirable intruders.


  1. Cooked rice (200 ml).
  2. Cement (approximately two fingers in a 200 ml glass).
  3. Toothpaste (one tablespoon).


  1. Main Mixture: In a suitable container, add the already cooked rice. Next, add the cement, which will act as a petrifying agent, causing digestive problems in rodents when consumed.
  2. Add a heaping tablespoon of toothpaste to the mixture. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of this remedy, it will give the solution a pleasant aroma.
  3. Combine all ingredients thoroughly until smooth.


Spread small amounts of this mixture in areas where you detect rodent activity, such as corners, patios or storage spaces. Remember to keep your home clean and not leave food uncovered to avoid attracting these animals.

Caution: It is essential to be cautious if you have pets or children at home. Make sure the mixture is out of their reach, as although it is specific for rodents, it could be harmful if ingested by other animals or people.

This method represents a natural solution that is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly. Rats and rodents will no longer be a constant problem in your home if you apply this remedy regularly.

I hope you liked it, if you have any questions about the procedure, I invite you to watch the Receitas da Bo video :