
How to grow vegetables and fruits at home: 13 suitable plants

By Lesia

Did you know that a good part of the organic waste, resulting from our daily activities in the kitchen, can be reused instead of throwing it away? Avocado pit, carrots, ginger, garlic and pineapple, among others, can be easily grown in pots at home from their inedible scraps that are normally thrown away after preparing our meals. But  how to grow  certain tubers, fruits and aromatic plants on the windowsill at home? We will explore the possibilities in the following paragraphs.

How to grow your own vegetables at home

As well as being a healthy and eco-friendly idea, it is a great opportunity to show children how to grow their own vegetables and fruit at home and where they come from before they end up on our plates.

How to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs on the windowsill.

Before we begin, it should be mentioned that if you are considering trying this creative idea, opt for untreated vegetables and fruits or those with as little chemical treatment as possible. We will see how to grow 13 different vegetables and fruits, which we have divided into three groups, depending on how difficult they are to grow. Some take longer to grow, others require specific conditions. In spring, for example, you will get off to a good start with green onions, which are not at all difficult to regrow in water at home.

How to grow green onions indoors or on the balcony.

For green onions, simply cut the stems 1-2 cm from the roots, where the white part of the onions is. Put them in shallow containers with water and leave them in a sunny place (for example, on the windowsill). In 3-4 days, new shoots will be seen. Change the water from time to time and cut the green shoots when you need them.

How to grow garlic in water all year round

And how to grow garlic? It’s almost the same tactic, except the individual pods don’t have to be completely submerged in water. When the sprouts grow about 1-2 cm, you can plant them in a pot with soil and water regularly. Trim the shoots regularly to encourage the plant to form a head of garlic.

How to Grow Romaine Lettuce Indoors

Romaine lettuce is also very easy to grow in pots at home. Cut off the leaves and immerse the so-called heart in water, so that the leaves do not come into contact with the water. Leave in a sunny spot and after 7-10 days you can transfer the plant to a pot or wooden tub filled with soil.

How to Grow Basil Cuttings

Soak a few stems from a bunch of basil in water until they form roots. You can then replant them in pots or directly in the garden.

How to grow celery in water – difficulty level 2

Leftover celery, which is usually thrown away, regenerates very well under the right conditions. Like garlic cloves, it should not be completely covered with water, so that new shoots form after about 3 days.

How to grow yellow onions

Regrowing a yellow onion is not difficult at all. Use the lower area with the roots, which is about a third of the vegetable, or the whole bulb and soak the roots in water. Small glass jars are well suited for this task.

Coriander as a pot plant to grow on the balcony or indoors

Place cilantro stems in water until they form roots and then replant in a pot or container.

How to grow bok choy

Potato, ginger, avocado and pineapple – difficulty level 3

The potato develops very well at room temperature in contact with water, but not completely soaked, as shown in the photo above.

Transfer to a pot, after roots and shoots form.

Use toothpicks to place it over a bowl filled with water so that only the bottom of the potato is in contact with the water. After roots and shoots form, transfer it to a pot.

Tips for growing ginger in a pot at home

And how to grow ginger in a pot? You can put the ginger bulbs directly into the ground, the only condition is not to cover them with soil, but to leave their upper part exposed to the air.

How to Grow an Avocado Pit

We reuse the avocado core and secure it with 3-4 toothpicks over a glass of water, just like we did with the potato. The lower third of the pit should be in contact with the water and the toothpicks should not penetrate too deeply into the pit.

How to grow a pineapple at home

To re-grow a pineapple at home, you will need to cut off a third or a quarter of the top with the crown of leaves. The trick here is that you need to let it dry a little for 2-3 days, before placing it in water to form roots. Subsequently, the young plant can be transferred to a pot.