
DIY Wattle Raised Garden Bed: Ecological and Rustic Garden Project

By Lilia

Weaving acacia trees, an ancestral method, makes it possible to create robust and aesthetic structures for raised gardens. By using flexible branches, such as willow or hazel, you can make a durable garden bed. Here’s how to make it.

Flexible branches or twigs (ideally willow or hazel)
Heavy-duty stakes (approximately 2 feet higher than desired bed height)
Tools: hammer, pruning shears, garden gloves, tape measure
Planning and design: Determine the size and location of the raised bed. Sketch a rough design.
Site preparation: Clear the area of ​​weeds, level the soil and mark the outline of the bed.
Gathering materials: Collect flexible branches, cut them into uniform lengths.
Installing Stakes: Drive stakes around the perimeter of the bed at regular intervals.
Weaving the Wattle: Weave the branches horizontally between the stakes, starting at one corner. Cut off the excess.
Wall construction: Add layers of woven branches until you reach the desired height.
Securing the top: Tuck the ends of the branches into the weave and possibly add a border for finishing.
Filling with soil: Mix soil with compost and fill the raised bed.
Planting: Choose plants suitable for the size of the bed and plant them according to their needs.
Care: Water regularly, add mulch to retain moisture and prune the acacia as needed. By following these steps, you will be able to create a beautiful and durable raised garden bed.
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