
How to clean window glass

By Lilia

Surely cleaning the windows in our house is not a pleasant task, on the contrary it is often somewhat tedious for us. Now the question we all ask ourselves is the following: How to clean window glass simply and without spending so much time?

Generally, we use the classic method of adding a little detergent in a bucket of water, cleaning the glass on both sides. Then we continue with wiping it with a clean cloth and drying it with newspaper, to finish.

How to clean window glass

The good news is that we can put an end to this monotonous method and instead innovate the way we clean our windows. It is a different method that will not be ruined by any unexpected rain.

In fact, below we will see  how to clean window glass with this effective method:


  • 1 cap of Conditioner or laundry rinse
  • 5 tbsp. of warm water (previously boiled)
  • 1 cda. de Glicerina
  • 1 Plastic container
  • Brushes


For the mixture:

  1. We start by pouring the cap of the conditioner into a plastic container mixed with water.
  2. Then we add glycerin to this preparation, it will thicken it so it must be shaken very well.
  3. Next, we let the mixture rest for about 15 minutes.
  4. After the resting time, the solution is ready to be used!

For the application:

  1. Just apply a few drops of the mixture to the brush and proceed to rub vigorously on the window glass, obviously doing so on the outside.
  2. Remember, we are doing this work manually, so let’s use the brush, rubbing quickly and preventing it from drying out.

This way you get a protective layer on the windows on the outside and when it rains it won’t ruin them!

Other tricks and secrets:

If we are looking for a type of internal glass cleaning, we can use homemade products that will allow us to save money and are highly effective:

  1. For a deep but simple clean, the recommendation is to combine one part white vinegar with three parts hot water. And to reduce the vinegar smell, you can add a touch of lemon juice to the mix. Let’s try it and see the results!
  2. An important factor when we decide to clean the windows is to look at the weather. That is to say, it is best if it is a cloudy day, it is excellent and we should take advantage of it to clean the windows. The reason is that if it is a sunny day, the sun will cause the foam of the cleaner to dry on the glass and produce unsightly marks. In addition, it will add more work to us because we will have to remove the marks on the windows.