
Homemade solid shampoo with aloe vera to leave your hair shiny

By Lilia

We know that perfumery products are very expensive, but when it comes to hair care, there is a wide variety of products for all hair needs. However, it is well known that they contain chemical components that are harmful to the environment.

It is interesting to note how we can use home remedies for the health of our hair, which are extremely natural and based on aloe vera.

In fact, this plant belongs to the succulent family that is full of benefits for hair. Therefore, we will see a recipe or home remedy to prepare a  homemade solid shampoo with aloe vera:

Homemade solid shampoo with aloe vera

Something that characterizes this homemade shampoo is that it does not come in a plastic container, so it guarantees 100% benefits for the hair by healing, hydrating and nourishing it.

Below is the recipe with the ingredients required and the entire procedure:


  • 1 bunch of Aloe vera
  • 500 gr. of Glycerin
  • 2 tbsp. of lemon juice
  • 150 ml. of mineral water
  • 2 tbsp. Almond oil
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 Medium container
  • 1 Brush for application
  • Blender
  • 2 Pots
  • Molds

Step by Step:

  1. To begin, we must extract the aloe vera pulp with the help of a spoon or with our hand.
  2. Once we take it out, we add it to the blender along with the rosemary sprig. If we notice that the mixture requires water, we add a little. Pay attention to the consistency, it should be a kind of gel at the right point.
  3. Meanwhile, we proceed to grate the 500 grams of glycerin and set aside.
  4. Next step, we will take it to a bain-marie, using a saucepan with the mixture and place it in another pot with water up to approximately half. As we know, we bring it to a boil as needed.
  5. Next, it is time to add the grated glycerin soap that we have reserved.
  6. We continue with the lemon spoons and the sweet almond oil until we obtain a homogeneous liquid.
  7. Once a homogeneous mixture is achieved, we add it to a rectangular container or any other shape, and let it rest until it solidifies.

We now have this incredible homemade solid shampoo with aloe vera ready to leave your hair shiny!

How to use:

  1. As a first recommendation, rub the shampoo between your hands to obtain foam and then apply it to your hair, both on the scalp and along its length.
  2. It is important to massage for 3 to 5 minutes to hydrate the hair fibers and nourish the entire hair.
  3. Next step, we rinse it well with plenty of water to remove all the residue left by washing.
  4. Finally, we comb it as we usually do and to eliminate any greasy remains.

Now we can enjoy clean, healthy, hydrated and nourished hair!

A recommended shampoo:

  • First of all, it is a completely natural shampoo free of toxic chemicals.
  • It does not require a plastic container.
  • Its ingredients have nourishing and moisturizing properties for hair health.
  • Plus, it’s cheap and can be done at home.

The results are guaranteed…Try it!