
Hotel cleaning staff trick leaves the bathroom clean and fragrant for 24 hours

By Lilia
Hotel cleaning staff trick leaves the bathroom clean and fragrant for 24 hours

We would all like to leave the bathroom clean and scented. For this we commonly use a wide repertoire of products to find the right cleanliness and aroma. However, there are many techniques and tricks that can help us without using the usual commercial products. Today we will talk to you about a homemade alternative to obtain a powerful cleaner, which leaves the bathroom clean and scented for more than 24 hours.

We assure you that this trick will leave your bathrooms the same or more refreshing and neat than those in hotels. So, without further ado, let’s see what ingredients are needed and how to make this fantastic cleaner.

Easily leaves the bathroom clean and scented


  • 1 scented toilet soap
  • 1 bottle of sanitizer (preferably scented)
  • 2 tbsp. baking soda
  • 2 tbsp. salt
  • 1 liter of boiling water
  • 3 liters of water at room temperature
  • 250 ml. mild kitchen detergent
  • 200 ml. 70% alcohol

Use this procedure and leave the bathroom clean and fragrant

  1. Let’s start this recipe to leave the bathroom clean and fragrant by grinding the soap. We will have to do this with the help of a hammer, carefully hitting it until all the soap is fragmented. It is advisable to do this when the soap is still in its packaging.
  2. When we finish grinding the soap, we will turn the result into a container and add the boiling water little by little. In the meantime we will have to stir so that the soap dissolves completely.
  3. On the other hand, in a large container we will add the 3 liters of natural water. There we will add the salt and baking soda. Now we will only have to stir, with the help of a spoon, until the elements are integrated. After we will add the liquid detergent and continue mixing to integrate.
  4. Then we will combine the crushed soap diluted in hot water with the detergent mixture. We must make sure that the soap is well diluted before adding it to the mixture, in order to avoid lumps that could hinder cleaning tasks.
  5. As a final step, we will add the alcohol, which is essential for disinfecting surfaces, and we will continue stirring until everything is integrated. We will be able to observe how some foam is forming, which is a good sign.
  6. Before packaging the mixture in our preferred container, it is advisable to let it rest for 2 hours. This will help the elements integrate and amplify their qualities.

Typically this mixture should yield about 5 liters of cleaner, which can be enough to clean the bathrooms in your home. Its scent and effectiveness are so long-lasting that they can last for up to 1 month. Of course, remember to dilute the product with a little more water when cleaning.

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