
Natural fertilizer for tomatoes: here is the guide you need to have a juicy and abundant harvest!

By Lesia

Do you want to have an abundant harvest this year? Do you want your tomatoes to be big, juicy and delicious? It seems like you are doing everything right and yet… Your tomatoes look very sad! Because ? How often do you water your plant? Do you protect it from the scorching sun during heat waves and take the necessary precautions? Yeah ? Then you have to forget about the fertilizer! Plants need nutrients, especially if the soil is poor. So here is a useful list that will allow you to choose the best natural fertilizer for tomatoes!

What natural fertilizer to grow tomatoes?

You don’t have to take out your wallet and buy special fertilizer for your tomatoes. Here’s a list of seven options you can (almost) find at home! In addition, you can also research what to plant next to tomatoes so that they grow without problems. If you take good care of it and follow our advice, your crop will resist common diseases and grow big and tasty! Without further ado, here are the best fertilizers for tomatoes!

Baking soda for tomatoes?

There are many ways to use baking soda in the garden! And one of them is to fertilize tomato plants! It is mainly used to treat diseases. By spraying a baking soda solution on your tomato plants, the surface becomes more alkaline, creating an environment that is not conducive to mold establishment. It will prevent mold from developing or stop its spread completely. Many people who have tried this product said their tomatoes tasted sweeter. However, only sprinkle a small amount, don’t overdo it, or you could kill your plant.


You may be thinking, “Yuck! Why would I want to put animal manure in my garden? “. Manure is a classic food for tomatoes, but before you apply it, there are a few things to keep in mind!

  • Never use pet manure. For example, dog and cat manure is highly toxic and dangerous to our health.
  • By the way, only use manure from vegetarian animals like horses and cattle. (Also do not use chicken manure.)
  • Manure should be aged well or composted before using, as it may be too harsh for tomato plants.
  • Apply manure at the time of planting.

Reason not to throw away eggshells

Did you know you can use eggshells in the garden? They are a great way to add nutrients to growing tomatoes. They can fertilize the soil and serve as mulch. Additionally, eggshells can be used as a starter pot and added to your compost pile.


Compost and composted manure are excellent soil additions for tomatoes and many other garden plants. Compost adds basic nutrients and improves soil structure, while composted manure provides nutrients throughout the season.

Salt as a natural fertilizer for tomatoes

To grow strong and large, tomatoes need magnesium, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus. Research shows that adding Epsom salt to soil that is deficient in micronutrients can improve its absorption and utilization, improving overall plant health. Apply the salt to deficient soil before planting or dilute it with water and add it when the deficiency is evident.

coffee grains

Is ground coffee good for tomatoes? Some even say it’s the best natural tomato fertilizer out there! In fact, whether it’s mulching, fertilization, or pest control, it seems there’s nothing a tablespoon or two of used coffee grounds can’t do! In fact, coffee grounds contain approximately 3% nitrogen and varying amounts of potassium and phosphorus, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. As the coffee grounds decompose, they release these nutrients into the soil, making them available to the plant.

Nettle manure: natural fertilizer for tomatoes

You’ve probably heard of this miracle concoction that has been circulating the Internet for some time. Nettle manure is an excellent insecticide and natural fertilizer for tomatoes. Your plants will thrive and do you know what the good news is? You can do it at home! Check out our article on how to make nettle manure and start using it as soon as possible! This natural miracle in the bottle will make your tomatoes grow like crazy and taste delicious!