

By Lesia

The arrival of heat and summer brings with it the inevitable return of mosquitoes, the most hated insects in the world. Always ready to ring in your ears in the middle of the night or sting you when you least expect it, getting rid of them is no easy task.

Ecological Solution to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

How annoying are mosquitoes? Is it possible to find a solution to keep them away from our skin? We have good news for you: yes, there is a repellent that you can make naturally. You only need one ingredient.

The Secret Ingredient for a Powerful Natural Repellent

If you’ve tried all the commercial repellents without success, read on. How annoying is the buzzing of these insects? But above all, how irritating is it to receive mosquito bites and not be able to do anything to relieve the itching and itchiness?

Prepare to be blown away. Today you will discover a simple recipe that will allow you to say goodbye to mosquitoes for 3 months in a row. You only need one ingredient that you probably have at home: coffee!

Coffee: A Powerful Repellent

It turns out that coffee is a powerful repellent. Some scientific studies carried out in America have shown that the pleasant aroma of this brown powder is hated by some insects, especially mosquitoes.

You can use coffee in many ways to create a powerful natural repellent. Here are some tricks that will save your skin and more.

The first method consists of pouring 2 tablespoons of coffee, 2 glasses of water and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar into a spray bottle. Shake the mixture well and spray it around the house, especially near windows, balconies and terraces: this mixture will create a sort of protective barrier that will protect your home from the presence of these annoying insects.

Even coffee grounds can come in handy. Don’t throw them away next time, as they can help you create a powerful repellent. How should you use them?

Simply let them dry in the sun and, once dry, place them in a container with aluminum foil on the bottom. Carefully light the coffee grounds with a match or lighter.

You will see smoke rising that will keep mosquitoes away from your house. This technique works 100% and is very easy to put into practice. In just a few actions, you will create a coffee-scented candle that we recommend placing on window sills or balconies and terraces.

You should also pay attention to containers with stagnant water, as they attract mosquitoes and lay many eggs. To avoid these inconveniences, pour your coffee grounds into puddles or pools of stagnant water near your home.

And don’t forget about your plants’ pots: if you water the soil too much, even the saucers of your pots can accumulate stagnant water that will attract mosquitoes and other insects. If you sprinkle a little coffee grounds or coffee grounds on the soil of your plants, you will not only prevent mosquitoes from appearing, but you will also protect your plants from insects and parasites.

With a single, simple ingredient, you can create a powerful mosquito repellent capable of keeping these annoying insects away from your home and your skin