
The owner of the flower shop recommended this home remedy: My orchid, my schlumbergera and my Christmas cactus have already bloomed!

By Lesia

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine who owns a flower shop gave me a tip about great homemade food for houseplants.

You can take advantage especially now.

This feed costs nothing and literally the letters after it are also living in the rooms you may have already given up on.

At the beginning of the year I started watering, two doses were enough and the orchid, the shovel and then the Christmas cactus bloomed.

I recommend that you consult the fertilization guide on the page!

Bananas belong to the most popular fruits in the world, so at home he does not – this is definitely not an emergency.

However, he didn’t know that its delicious peel could also be extremely useful.

Most houseplants like fertilizer, which you can easily make with it, as suggested in this YouTube video.

Thanks to their high content of potassium, magnesium and other minerals, bananas are an ideal candidate for a quality fertilizer for your indoor plants.

You can use them in two different ways.

Let it dry completely, flatten it and bury it in the soil near the roots.

Another method is to pour a liter of water over a fresh banana peel and let it sit for 24 hours.

Then simply pour the prepared liquid over the flowers.

I only gave spoonfuls to the Christmas cactus.

The plants will soon catch up to them and may also begin to flower earlier.

You can use this fertilizer for shovel, Christmas cactus, orchid, and others, but it is also great for geraniums.

However, do not fertilize them in winter and wait until spring.


If you want to free your houseplants from accumulated dust and dirt to brighten the leaves, rub them with the inside of a banana peel.

This tip is especially useful for plants with so-called “waxy” leaves, such as ficus or waxy plants.

Another use of banana peel at home

Whiten teeth

Banana peel is a great ally for whitening teeth. Removes coffee, wine or nicotine stains and gives a healthy shine to teeth.

How is it done? For at least two minutes, brush your teeth with the inside of the peel every time for two weeks.

Thanks to this simple trick, you will whiten your teeth naturally without using harsh chemicals.

In addition, the potassium, magnesium, bromine and other minerals present in the peel strengthen tooth enamel.

Softens the meat

If you want to make a festive Sunday lunch really delicious, use this simple trick. Place the ripe banana peel on the bottom of the pan under the meat you want to bake. The peel prevents the meat from drying out, tenderizes it and makes it even tastier.

Shine the shoes

Don’t have shoe cream on hand? Don’t worry! Instead of shoe cream, you can use the inner layer of the banana peel. Simply rub it on your leather shoes and then shine it with a cloth. The shoes will be clean and shiny again.

Polish and shine the silver

The fruit acids present in banana peel are ideal for polishing dull silver jewelry. To restore their natural shine, simply rub them with a piece of leather and then wipe them with a cloth until they are clean.

Gets rid of warts

Have you tried all the medications for annoying warts, but nothing seems to help? Give banana peel a try! Every night before going to bed, cover the wart with a piece of peel and secure it with tape. Repeat this for a full week and your problem will be a thing of the past.

Eliminate aphids

Aphids do not like the smell of decomposing banana peel. So if you want to get rid of them, try burying the banana peel in the soil near the infected plants. In addition to being rich in calcium, magnesium and other trace elements, which are beneficial for feeding plants.

Soothes irritated skin

The inside of the banana peel is an ideal remedy for itching, whether caused by insect bites, stings, or other skin irritations. Simply rub the affected area with the inner side of the peel. The positive effects of banana peel are also known in the fight against acne, hemorrhoids and other skin diseases.

Rejuvenates the skin

Massage your face with a piece of banana peel every few days. The fruit acids present in the peel help remove dead skin cells. Minerals, vitamins and antioxidants revitalize your skin, giving you smoother, healthier and more radiant skin.