
Why do your hands fall asleep?

By Lilia

The phenomenon of numb hands is a common experience that, while often harmless, can raise questions and concerns.

The truth is that the sensation of tingling, numbness or weakness in the hands can have various causes, from uncomfortable postures to more serious medical problems.

In this exploration of why hands fall asleep, we’ll examine the reasons behind this phenomenon, from everyday factors to underlying medical conditions.

Below we provide information that can help you understand and address this peculiar sensation.

Watch the following video from the Home Remedies channel :

7 Causes that should be of attention

Pay special attention and stay alert, as numbness in the hands can be related to various health conditions.

Here are 7 causes that should be addressed, especially in older people:

Joint Problems:

  • Osteoarthritis and arthritis are diseases that can cause numbness in the hands due to joint damage.

Multiple sclerosis:

  • This disease affects the brain and muscle membranes, causing numbness in the joints and hands.

Osteocondrosis Cervical:

  • Nerve compression in the spine can disrupt blood flow, causing numbness in the hands, severe headaches, and balance problems.

Carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Inflammation of the hand muscles and joints due to repetitive movements can cause numbness.

Venous thrombosis:

  • A blood clot that affects circulation can result in a lack of oxygen, causing numbness in hands and joints.

Anemia and Diabetes:

  • These conditions affect the circulatory system and can lead to numbness in the hands and joints.

Brachial Plexus Neuralgia:

  • Inflammation of the tissues in the joints and hands can cause numbness.

Special attention:

  • The most severe cause of numbness in hands and joints is stroke.

It is essential to pay attention to these symptoms. If you find this information useful, please share it with friends and family.


Medical consultation:

If you experience frequent numbness, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, seek the guidance of a health professional. A proper diagnosis is essential.

Moderate Physical Activity:

Maintain a moderate exercise routine to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles, which can help reduce numbness.

Postures and Ergonomics:

Make sure you maintain proper posture when performing activities that involve your hands. Ergonomics can be key to preventing problems.

Rest and Movement:

If you work for long periods in positions that may strain your hands, take breaks to stretch and move your joints.

We also suggest: These are the reasons why you may have cramps at night