
The recipe for the most powerful natural insecticide for the house: spray a little and spiders, ants, mosquitoes and termites will disappear

By Lesia

Spiders, ants, mosquitoes and termites are not only unpleasant, but they can also pose a risk to our health and belongings.

Therefore, it is essential to have an effective insecticide that helps us keep these intruders at bay. However, many commercial insecticides contain chemicals that can be harmful to us, our pets, and the environment.

Fortunately, there is a natural and effective alternative that you can prepare at home using simple ingredients. This homemade insecticide is not only safe, but it is also highly effective at killing and repelling a wide variety of insects.

The recipe for the most powerful natural insecticide for the house

Below, I share the recipe for the most powerful natural insecticide for your home:

Ingredients needed

Lemon and eucalyptus essential oil: Effective against mosquitoes.

Peppermint essential oil: Repels ants and spiders.

Cedar essential oil: Useful against termites.

White vinegar: Natural repellent for many insects.

Marseille Liquid Soap – Helps evenly distribute essential oils.

Water:  As the base of the solution.


A 500 ml spray bottle.

A measuring cup.

A funnel.

Preparation of the natural insecticide

Prepare the solution base:

Fill the spray bottle with 250 ml of water using the measuring cup and funnel to avoid spills.

Add the essential oils:

Add 10 drops of lemon and eucalyptus essential oil to the bottle.

Add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Add 10 drops of cedar essential oil.

Add the white vinegar:

Pour 250 ml of white vinegar into the spray bottle using the measuring cup and funnel.

Add the liquid Marseille soap:

Add 1 tablespoon of liquid Marseille soap to the mixture. This will help the essential oils distribute evenly in the solution.

Mix well:

Place the cap on the spray bottle and shake it well to make sure all the ingredients are mixed properly.

Use of natural insecticide

To use this insecticide, simply spray the solution on the areas where you usually see insects. You can apply it to window frames, doors, corners of rooms, and any other place where spiders, ants, mosquitoes, or termites tend to appear. It is advisable to shake the bottle before each use to keep the ingredients well mixed.

This natural insecticide will not only help you get rid of annoying insects, but it is also a safe and environmentally friendly option. In addition, essential oils not only act as repellents, but also leave a pleasant aroma in your home. With this recipe, you can keep your house free of insects in a natural and effective way.