
How to grow persimmons from seeds

By Lesia

Persimmons (Diospyros spp.) impress year-round with their showy foliage and striking orange fall fruits, persimmons that add bright color to otherwise dull late-season landscaping. There are more than 400 species of persimmon, but only a few are regularly grown, including the common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) and the Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki). Both grow well from seed, although there are challenges associated with seed propagation, especially if you are trying to reproduce a specific persimmon variety or cultivar.

Tips for Growing Persimmons from Seeds

Common persimmons are much more resistant than Japanese persimmons.
Most persimmons grown in landscapes are specific cultivars, such as ‘Miller’ (Diospyros virginiana ‘Miller’) and ‘Fuyu’ (Diospyros kaki ‘Fuyu’). They have been bred for specific traits and must be reproduced asexually using cuttings or grafts to preserve their qualities. Seeds may not produce a tree with the same quality or quantity of fruit and trees may also vary in cold hardiness and disease resistance. However, you could still get a tree with tasty fruits and the same attractive appearance as other persimmon trees.

Persimmon seed harvest

Persimmon seeds germinate best when fresh, so collect them in the fall after the fruit begins to soften. Collect seeds only from fully ripe persimmons without bird bites, spots, or green skin. After cutting the fruit, remove some seeds and soak them in warm water for a few days to loosen the pulp attached to the seed. Rub the persimmon seeds lightly under running water to clean them. You can sow the seeds immediately or store them in a cool, dry place until you are ready to germinate them.

Seed treatment

Persimmon seeds need a period of moist cooling to help them germinate. The chilling process, or cold stratification, mimics the natural process of overwintering seeds outdoors. Wrap the seeds in moistened sphagnum moss or a paper towel, then place them in a plastic bag or jar in the refrigerator for two to three months. If the foam or paper towel dries out, spritz it with a little water to keep the persimmon seeds moist.

seed germination

Persimmon seedlings form a long taproot at first, so they should be grown in large plastic containers that allow the root to form without interfering with it. Sow one seed per pot in sterile potting soil and make sure the pot has drainage holes in the base. Plant the seeds at a depth of 5cm, then place the pots in a warm, bright location. If daytime temperatures remain below 21°C, try warming the pots with a propagation heat mat. Small persimmon seedlings should appear in six to eight weeks.

Germination Tips:
Persimmon seeds have a relatively low germination rate of 25 to 35 percent, so start several seeds to increase your chances of success.

seedling care

Direct sunlight and evenly moist soil provide the best conditions for persimmon seedlings. Keep them outdoors in protected conditions during the spring months before slowly exposing them to brighter sunlight over a week or two. Water the seedlings weekly, but let the soil dry out in the first inch between waterings to keep the roots healthy.

Transplant and growth monitoring

Because of its long taproot, persimmon seedlings should be planted at the end of their first full growing season, preferably in the fall after the first rain. Choose a planting site with at least 2 square feet of space per persimmon to provide ample space for its mature spread. Persimmon trees tolerate most soil types, but do not do well in areas with very salty soils. In general, they require very little care and no special fertilizer to provide a bountiful crop of fruit. However, persimmons can take three to five years to bear fruit, so they require patience.

Last tip for caring for your persimmon:
Spread a thick layer of mulch around the base of the bushes to keep the soil moist and make it easier to pick up fallen fruit.