
Signs that a deceased loved one visited you

By Lilia

Interpreting the signs that indicate the presence of a deceased loved one can be a moving and comforting experience. Although these signs may go unnoticed amidst the daily hustle and bustle, paying attention to the subtle signs can open us up to the possibility of feeling the presence of our loved ones on a spiritual level.

It’s important to remember that these signs may manifest in different ways for different people, and that not every experience will be the same. However, by staying receptive and open, we can begin to recognize these signs and find comfort in the idea that our loved ones are still with us in some way.

Pay attention to the following signs:

1-Sense of presence:

One of the most common signs that a deceased loved one is visiting us is the feeling of their presence nearby. It can feel like someone is standing right next to us, even if we don’t see anyone physically present.

2-Vivid dreams:

Dreams can be a means through which our deceased loved ones send us messages or visit us. These dreams are usually very vivid and full of detail, and often leave a lasting impression on our minds upon awakening.

3-Signs in nature:

Sometimes deceased loved ones send us signs through nature, such as the appearance of birds, butterflies or other animals that have special meaning to us or them.

4-Change in energy:

We may feel a change in the energy of the environment when a deceased loved one visits us. This may manifest as a feeling of peace, love or unexplainable comfort.

5-Moving objects:

Some people experience small objects moving inexplicably around their home, such as photographs falling, lights flickering, or doors slamming. These can be signs of the presence of a deceased loved one.

6-Familiar smell:

Sometimes, we may smell a familiar scent that reminds us of our deceased loved one. This scent may appear suddenly and disappear quickly, leaving us with a sense of connection.

7-Songs or meaningful words:

Hearing a special song or words that had special meaning to us and our deceased loved one can be a sign of their presence. These coincidences can feel like a direct message from them to us.

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It is important to remember that these signs can vary in intensity and frequency, and that not everyone will experience them in the same way. However, by staying open and receptive to the possibility of our deceased loved ones visiting us, we can find comfort and connection in their memory.