
How to improve slouching and eliminate back pain to live better

By Lilia

People need to learn proper posture from childhood, but the truth is that a sedentary lifestyle can also be responsible for it in adulthood. 

However, this creates health problems, so you should know several methods to improve your posture.

Sitting all day at work and then at home is a sign of poor posture. 

The result is not only unsightly, but also causes health problems such as headaches and backaches. 

Correct posture facilitates breathing and contributes to the prevention of muscle and bone diseases.

However, just realizing that you need to stand up is not very easy, so you need to adopt the correct posture a little differently. 

For example, with the help of simple but effective exercises that take only a few minutes a day. 

These are the five best exercises to improve your posture.

1. Clasped hands

Bend your arms at the elbows and clasp your palms together, but not in front of your chest, but behind your back. 

As soon as you do this, the position of your arms will automatically force you to stretch. 

The line between the right and left elbows and shoulders should be straight. 

Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

2. Padlock

You may not be able to do this exercise perfectly the first time, but as you try, you will get closer to your goal. 

This is to connect the fingertips of one hand with the fingers of the other hand, just like in the picture. 

Hold for five seconds and then switch hands.

3. Rotation

During this exercise, remain seated in a chair and place your hands behind your head.

Without changing the position of the lower body, turn to the right side, after five seconds to the right, turning the head as well.

4. Sit on the edge of the chair

For this exercise, you should sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands behind your head while resting them on the top of the chair. 

Look up.

5. Trick with the legs

It is good to take this pose after performing the above exercises. 

Place your feet on the floor, but place one leg as far apart as possible while sitting on the edge of the chair. 

Straighten your back.

6. Lean against a wall

From a standing position, lean against a wall, making sure your shoulder blades, glutes and calves touch the wall. 

Tighten your stomach and breathe deeply

The best thing is that you can practice these exercises not only at home, but also at work. 

Take a moment and try them without even getting out of the chair you’re sitting on. 

It is ideal if you do these exercises every day. 

In addition, the correct posture will add appeal to your figure, so you will look better.

In conclusion, slouching and back pain are a common problem that affects our quality of life. 

With efforts and changes in our daily habits, we can achieve significant improvement and be free from pain. 

The introduction of proper execution of specific exercises to strengthen the back muscles can be the key to a more active and comfortable daily lifestyle. 

In addition, regular physical activity, adjusting the work environment and correct posture are essential for preventive action against this problem. 

With timely and consistent efforts, we can achieve significant change and enjoy a life filled with health and comfort.