
Flower without soil that does not purify the air. How to care for tillandsia?

By Lesia

Tillandsia is an exceptional plant that does not need soil to live, but rather obtains moisture and nutrients from the air and organic particles. It is an epiphyte reminiscent of succulents. Its appearance suits both modern and traditional interiors. Discover how to grow it.

Tillandsia: The flower without soil

Tillandsia is a tropical plant native to Ecuadorian forests. Although it grows on tree branches, it is not a parasite. It is classified as an epiphyte because it uses plants, trunks and tree branches as support for its development.

Tillandsia is a soilless flower because it does not absorb water or nutrients from the soil, but rather obtains them from the air. It obtains the necessary minerals from the remains of organic matter accumulated in the cracks of the crust. Its leaves serve to store water and are covered with small light gray scaly hairs.

Tillandsia: Species and types

There are around 650 species of Tillandsia worldwide. Some of the most interesting are:

  • Tillandsia albertiana – Albert’s Tillandsia;
  • Tillandsia argentea – Red Tillandsia;
  • Tillandsia aeranthos;
  • Tillandsia baileyi;
  • Tillandsia caput-medusae;
  • Tillandsia cyanea – Blue Tillandsia;
  • Tillandsia funckiana;
  • Tillandsia magnusiana;
  • Tillandsia seleriana;
  • Tillandsia tectorum – Mossy Tillandsia;
  • Tillandsia xerographica – Large Tillandsia;
  • Tillandsia bulbosa;
  • Tillandsia usneoides;
  • Tillandsia ionantha.

Tillandsia cyanea is one of the most cultivated, reaching a height and diameter of about 30 cm. Its flower stem measures 5 to 8 cm and grows from the center of the rosette. At the top we can see a pink spike-shaped inflorescence, 10-15 cm in size, with blue flowers that remain on the Tillandsia for approximately 2 months.

Tillandsia ionantha is a plant frequently purchased for indoors. It measures between 10 and 15 cm, and is characterized by its silver-green ribbed leaves. In the ‘Rubra’ variety, the tips of the leaves have a purple hue, while in the ‘Fuego’ variety, reddish tips are observed. On the other hand, the ‘Scaposa’ variety forms a twisted rosette and its flowers are solitary, small and tubular, violet in color.”

“Oplątwa – Basic principles of cultivation

Tillandsia is a plant that is easy to grow, but it is important to know some basic care principles so that it shines in all its splendor.


Tillandsia prefers bright places with diffused light and protected from the wind. In summer, it is advisable to place it on a window sill facing east or north. In winter, it is best placed on a south-facing window sill. Remember that Tillandsia does not tolerate tobacco smoke or polluted air.


Immersion is a good method of watering, especially for Tillandsias from desert areas. The plant should be dipped several times in a container with boiled and settled water. After removing it, we shake off excess water and let it dry in a ventilated place. This procedure is carried out every 2 weeks.

Water bath

This method is ideal for Tillandsias with thinner, greener leaves. We immerse the plant in boiled and rested water, leaving it for half an hour. The Tillandsia will absorb the necessary amount of water. After the bath, we invert the plant with the leaves facing down, shake off the excess water and let it dry in a bright place but not directly in the sun. We repeat this procedure every 2 weeks.


In summer, we should spray the Tillandsia daily, while in winter, twice a week. This procedure is especially important in conditions of low humidity, high temperatures or air conditioning on. Remember that spraying, bathing, and dipping should be done in the morning or during the day, not at night.


We fertilize Tillandsias using a spray bottle, as they get their nutrients from the air. It is advisable to use a spray fertilizer specific for these plants. We apply it once a week as a gentle mist. We can also use a quarter of the dose of orchid fertilizer (dissolved in water) or another fertilizer for flowering plants, but with a low copper content. This procedure is carried out once a month.


Let’s prune the dead and dry leaves of the Tillandsia. We can also prune leaves that are too long or grow unevenly. After flowering, it is advisable to remove the dried inflorescence.


The Tillandsia blooms once in its life. Depending on the species, this process can last from one to several weeks. The flowers of this plant emerge from colorful floral leaves. After flowering, these flowers die, but as new plants grow from the sides of the rosettes, they will also bloom over time.


After flowering, Tillandsia begins to spread. At the base of the plant, we observe lateral shoots. When they reach half the size of the mother plant, we can carefully separate them and plant them separately. We can also propagate Tillandsia from seeds, although this process is longer and more laborious.”

“What properties does Tillandsia have?

Tillandsia is not only an excellent home decoration, it also has exceptional properties. This plant absorbs humidity from rooms. Therefore, we can place it on the windowsill where the windows emit steam. This helps eliminate the problem of condensation on windows.

Additionally, Tillandsia is known to purify the air. This plant eliminates toxins and reduces carbon dioxide levels in the indoor environment. “Its properties have a positive effect on the air quality inside the home.”