This ingredient used once a month will make the roots and flowers of your plants stronger and healthier. That is what it is. .
Getting healthy plants that bloom all year round is one of the desires of many amateur gardeners and plant enthusiasts . Fortunately, there are several techniques and natural remedies to help your plants reach their full potential. One of these natural remedies is carrot juice . In this article, we will explore how to use carrot juice to grow flowers and roots year-round for orchid plants.
To create our natural fertilizer we only need a single ingredient , and the steps are really simple and quick. We will need a small carrot and about 30 g , which we will cut into pieces and then put in a blender with a liter of water .
After mixing everything, we strain the juice obtained into a glass through a strainer and pour it into a glass , adding another liter of water . Our carrot fertilizer is ready: how do we use it? At least three ways.
The first method to use carrot juice is to soak a cotton ball in a glass of carrot juice and then wipe it over the leaves of the plant, including the underside . This remediation helps keep insects away and open the plant’s stomata .
Orchids , in particular, feed through the leaves , so using this carrot juice can also help the metabolism of the plant itself. We repeat the process once or twice a month. .
2 more ways to use carrot fertilizer
The second method of use is to use carrot juice to water the plant. Carrot juice is a source of nutrients for orchids, including vitamins and minerals , such as beta-carotene , potassium , magnesium and phosphorus .
Additionally, carrot juice is acidic , which helps regulate the pH of the soil in which the potted plant is located and improves the orchid’s ability to absorb nutrients .
When we water , we make sure to have a basin under the pot so that the water from the carrot collects in the basin. We can then soak the seedbed for a few minutes. We can repeat this treatment once or twice a month .
Last but not least, pour carrot juice into a container with a spray dispenser and spray it on the leaves and roots of the plant. Spray carrot juice liberally , including on the leaves.
However, we must be careful not to; Overhydrate the plant with this carrot juice, as it could clog the ducts that the plant uses to absorb water . Also, it is important to remember not to water the flowers, as they would fall over .
Why carrots are so effective on roots and flowers
But why does this natural remedy work so well? Carrot juice is a natural fertilizer rich in essential nutrients for plants. Orchids in particular benefit greatly from carrot juice due to its potassium content ; phosphorus and calcium , which help strengthen roots and stimulate growth .
In addition, carrot is also a source of folic acid , important for the production of chlorophyll , which promotes photosynthesis . Applying carrot juice as a fertilizer for plants in general can increase their resistance to diseases and pests, ensuring healthy and vigorous growth.