
Here’s how to care for orchids to keep them for years.

By Lesia

Orchids are herbaceous and varied plants. These flowers are evergreen and we continue to discover new things about them every day.

In this article we will give you some tips to care for orchids and keep them healthy for several years.

How to care for an orchid for years?

  1. The location

Location is always important, you cannot leave it within reach of pets or near the front door, as drafts and temperature changes can damage it.

Read also: How to make orchids bloom all year round? Add a single ingredient to irrigation water

Make sure they are in a special place in the house, where they receive plenty of sunlight and moderate ventilation.

  1. Water

In the case of orchids, you have to be very careful with watering, which should not be abundant because most of them die if you water them excessively.

You have to water it when the soil is practically dry.

  1. drain

Orchids need good drainage or they may die. When you water them, make sure they are well drained before putting them back in the pot.

  1. The plantation

Planting is difficult but necessary. If you do not feel prepared to do this, it is best to call an expert.

Read also:  Stop watering orchids with water: water them with this for spectacular flowering

  1. The interview

It is essential to take care of orchids, if you leave them without maintenance, without air or water, they run the risk of dying.

If you travel a lot, it is better to entrust them to someone else. If this is not possible, we recommend that you leave them in a place where they can receive the water they need at the right time.