
5 places in the house where you should not put plants: no one thinks about it

By Lesia

Flowering plants are appreciated for their decorative appearance, but also for their fragrance that fills the house. For them to last and enjoy beautiful flowering, it is important to know where to place them. In fact, some locations should be avoided due to drafts or poor light exposure. Some flowers even have an allergenic potential, and in this case it is advisable to keep them out of the bedroom. That said, discover the 5 places in the house where these plants should not be kept.

Before receiving a new flowering plant in your home, it is important to know its needs, especially light and heat, and above all to find out if it can cause allergies or be toxic. This information will help you know where to avoid placing certain plants.

Where to have flowering plants at home?

Houseplants don’t thrive everywhere in the house. In fact, some of them may not bloom   if they are placed in poorly exposed places.   In addition to this, some plants may present an allergy risk or be toxic to children or pets. That being said, here are 5 places in the house where they should not be stored.

  • Place flowering plants   near the window.

Some flowering plants are not hardy, that is, they cannot withstand cold and frost. In fact, drops in temperature can   cause thermal shock   and turn their foliage yellow. Some plants may even wilt or freeze if their leaves touch a cold window, especially in winter. That’s why it’s best  to keep cold houseplants away from the window,   especially when temperatures drop in winter.

  • Put flowering plants  on top of the cupboard or on a high shelf

Placing houseplants in high locations, such as on a high shelf or on top of a cabinet, may not be suitable for all flowers, especially   those that need   light exposure to grow and bloom. In this case, it would be best to keep your plants in a place exposed to sunlight.

  • Close to the door

Your flowering plants may not bloom if you keep them near a door. In fact, they could   suffer from drafts,   in addition to a lack of light.

  • In the bedroom

If some plants are effective in promoting sleep   thanks to their decontaminating properties,   others are rather avoidable in the bedroom. In fact, it is advisable   to avoid plants with very aromatic flowers,   since their strong smell could disturb sleep. Some flowering plants can even cause allergies. This is also the case of amaryllis, which is, according to Doctissimo, toxic to babies, or even chrysanthemum, which in addition to being allergenic   is also irritating.  Contact with this flower could cause allergic contact dermatitis. That said, you can replace these flowers with green plants that have the ability  to purify the ambient air of toxins   such as benzene or formaldehyde. This is particularly the case with ivy, sansevieria or dragon tree.

  • Within reach of pets or children

Some flowering plants are poisonous to pets and should not be kept in areas accessible to your cat or dog. This is the case of azaleas, cyclamens, amaryllis, chrysanthemums and hyacinths. Ingesting a toxic flower could cause your pet to vomit, diarrhea, excessive salivation, tremors, or seizures. If you notice these symptoms in your cat or dog,   do not try to induce vomiting   and contact the veterinarian immediately. If you still want to have flowering plants at home, you can   opt for flowers that are harmless to your pet,   such as marigolds, petunias, or even certain varieties of orchids.

By avoiding these locations, you will allow your flowers to bloom and flourish, without fear of the allergenic potential that certain flowering plants might have.