
2 simple recipes for cleansing the joints in case of arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, etc.

By Lilia

Folk medicine rearranges a number of effective recipes for joint pain

With their help, you will give health to your joints, as well as help yourself if you suffer from joint diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Your work involves standing still and in one position for a long time, you wear high-heeled shoes, and while walking you feel pain in your legs, your knees creak, you have daggers – so it’s time to clean your joints. 

After using these two recipes, the joints will move more easily, the crunching and creaking will disappear. 

The gait will be light and elastic, the figure mobile and significantly rejuvenated.

A balanced diet plays an important role in the health and mobility of the skeletal system. 

Lack of certain vitamins can lead to bone deformities. 

The lack of calcium and phosphorus salts causes increased bone fragility and distortion. Lack of calcium can lead to serious disorders in the skeletal system.

Joint pain: how to use herbs to help sick and difficult-to-move joints and cleanse them?

Diseases of the skeletal system are diverse and numerous. 

Disruption of local blood circulation in the joints and vertebrae leads to arthrosis (damage to the joints) and osteochondrosis (damage to the spine).

Therefore, the joints need regular cleaning. During the cleansing process, the salts begin to actively dissolve and irritate the bladder. 

This causes frequent urination (every half hour) and pink colored urine. 

Two weeks after the first procedure, you will feel relief in the joints, they will become more mobile. 

And then you will stop suffering from joint pain when the weather changes. These facts will be proof that the dissolution of the salts in the joints has been successful.

Cleansing the joints begins after cleaning the liver

People who have never had such a procedure before should have their joints cleaned in the first year once every three months. In the following years – once a year.

Mandatory condition for cleaning the joints – thoroughly emptied bowels and vegetarian food during all days of the procedure.

A recipe for cleansing the joints with a bay leaf

Bay leaf is a powerful joint cleanser

– Take 5-6 grams of bay leaves, pour them with 300 ml. boiling water and leave them for 3-5 minutes on low heat. Then pour the water with the leaves into a thermos. 

Let them stay like this all night. In the morning you strain and get a dose for 1 day. 

Drink the decoction in small sips between meals, for 12 hours. Do not mix with food.

The bay decoction should not be drunk in one go. It contains substances that significantly expand capillaries. 

And if you drink a lot at once, you may feel dizzy, have a fast heart rate, and other problems. 

So take your time and drink some. The taste of the infusion of bay leaves is quite pleasant – like a weak herbal tea.

Continue to drink the decoction for 3 days, each time preparing it from the evening. 

Then take a week off. After the break, repeat the 3-day cycle of reception.

After a month, repeat the course of purification: 3 days – drink bay decoction, 1 week – rest, then another 3 days and rest again. 

This will be the full course of cleansing the joints.

It is not bad to do enemas with water during the cleansing. This helps to eliminate toxins. 

The result will be reflected in a few days – you will feel a clear improvement, and then you will completely forget about the pain in the joints.

If you are cleaning your joints for the first time, you may not feel well. You may have headache, dizziness, palpitations, frequent urination, weakness, etc. 

You may feel a little pain in the joints, but after a few days everything will pass.

For the first time, it is better to do 2-3 courses of purification with an interval of 1 month – until the pain in the joints completely disappears. 

After that, it is enough to carry out this cleaning once a year.

Keep in mind: if you do not do a course of internal hygiene when using the infusion of bay leaves, the deposits of fecal stones will begin to dissolve intensively, and the harmful substances enclosed in them, penetrating into the blood, will cause symptoms of itching, urticaria and others forms of allergy. 

Therefore, the joints are cleaned after the intestines and liver.

A recipe for cleaning joints with celery juice

Celery is a great joint cleanser and joint pain reliever

All joint problems are mainly related to the accumulation of inorganic calcium in the body. 

This pollutant dissolves salicylic acid. With its help, we need to get rid of calcium in the joints.

This cleansing method is as follows: drink half a liter of fresh celery juice daily. 

If you can’t make half a pint, make as much as you can and drink it. It is necessary to carry out the procedure for two weeks.

Celery contains a very high percentage of sodium, which helps keep calcium in a dissolved state. 

The bloodstream and lymph carry this calcium to the colon, where it is excreted from the body.

For greater efficiency of the process, it is recommended to drink half a liter of carrot and spinach juice mixture daily. 

If there is no spinach, drink only carrot juice. Of course, the processes of dissolving calcium and restoring cartilage and joints are accompanied by pain. Be patient and everything will pass.

Source: Yuri Konstantinov, “Cleansing the body with folk remedies”