
Don’t just use lard for cooking, it can be used in different ways: 17 effects that will make you happy!

By Lilia

At a time when healthy eating is making a comeback more than ever, many turn up their noses when they hear lard. 

However, the benefits of lard are indisputable. 

Of course, as with most foods, proper dosage and use must be considered.

The fact is, if you overdo it, it can cause problems with high cholesterol, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

In this article, you will learn more about the consumption of lard. 

Animal fat, healthier than vegetable fat.

Although they were stigmatized for a long time, it turned out that animal fats are indeed healthier than vegetable fats.

Many studies show that lard is healthier than vegetable oil. 

Even our grandparents considered lard a treasure in the kitchen.

The consumption of animal fats is also defended by the famous nutritionist Michaela Bilic.

She admits that many experts have been wrong and that healthy food should be high in fat.

The most important thing is always the balance. 

The healthiest types of saturated fat are monounsaturated fats. They are found in olive oil, avocados and some types of nuts.

After olive oil, lard is second in terms of monounsaturated fats.

The main benefits of lard:

The oleic acid in lard prevents or significantly reduces depression.

It is rich in vitamin D, which maintains a normal level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, supports proper muscle function and strengthens the immune system.

Regulates hormone production and ensures thyroid health.

It is anti-cancer and has a preventive effect, especially in breast cancer.

Preparation and storage of bacon

You can use bacon or fattier cuts of meat to make fat.

Wash the piece well, cut it and let it stand for 2 hours in cold water.

After this time, put it in a saucepan and let it melt over moderate heat, stirring occasionally.

Then scoop it up with a spoon, strain it into a clean bowl, and put it into resealable containers.

Store in a cool, well-ventilated place.

What else can it help you with?

For sore throat and cough

Maybe your mother or grandmother once stressed to you that the fact that the bacon is fatty is the most important thing. 

According to them, it is the ointment that has fantastic effects, that’s why if you have a sore throat, you should eat bacon, for example. 

The argument was – to “grease my throat”. And it really is. 

For example, it helps with angina if you put slices of white unsmoked bacon on your throat, tie it and let it work.

Knee pain

We soak the bacon slices for a day in alcohol or frankincense, place them on the sore spot, cover with a burdock leaf and bandage them. 

This is how we sleep at night. If in the morning the burdock is black or dark, it means that it has “taken out the disease”. 

If not, try repeating the treatment. Pain relief will tell you if the burdock and bacon treatment has been successful.

Against wrinkles

Of course, you can also eat bacon, but as in everything, this fatty delicacy applies here – in moderation. 

It contains vitamins of group B, which are extremely useful for the body. For example, vitamin B3 has a positive effect on life expectancy. 

And what’s even better, bacon also contains hyaluronic acid, which has been proven to fight wrinkles. 

So, thanks to more regular consumption of bacon, you can live longer and also look better for a longer time, without significant wrinkles. 

Try using a piece of bacon to massage wrinkle-prone areas. The skin should be smoother and more relaxed.

For hard and cracked heels

Cut the lemon lengthwise and scoop out the pulp. We will have two pieces that go into the heels. 

Add thin slices of bacon to the lemon slices, press them to the heels and place old socks on top. 

We also use it at night while we sleep. If the heels are still cracked, we act in the same way, but before that we try to get lard into the cracks.


Even the old Slavs used bacon for sick teeth. 

Hold a piece of white, unsmoked bacon between the gum and cheek of the affected area. 

The substances from the bacon have a soothing effect on the teeth, gums and periodontal disease.

Painful finger joints

We need to cut the bacon into slices long enough to wrap around the affected joint. 

When we do this, we wrap the bacon with a bandage so that the slices do not slip out and leave it to act all night. 

We repeat the treatment seven evenings in a row. After that, the pain should go away. 

If the pain is of rheumatic origin, it is recommended to soak the bacon in incense or vinegar for at least 6 hours before use.

In the second method, only lard is consumed, which must be mixed in the same ratio with real honey and applied to the joints, which are then covered with cling film and wrapped with a bandage. As with the first method, the treatment must be carried out for at least 7 nights in a row.

It will help with hangovers

According to a study by the University of Newcastle, bacon can help to cope with the unpleasant “hangover”. 

If you’ve had too much alcohol and want to get in shape quickly, grab a bacon sandwich. 

According to researcher Elin Robertsova, the secret lies in the mixture of bread and amino acids contained in the bacon. 

Plus, after a night of overindulgence, you need to eat something, even if your stomach thinks otherwise. But if you at least force yourself with bread and bacon, you might find it easier.


Bacon should not be stored in the refrigerator, as it contains high humidity, which causes the bacon to spoil. 

Much health!

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