
Keep celery fresh with this amazing storage method.

By Lilia

Celery is a versatile and healthy vegetable that not only adds a delicious flavor to our dishes, but also provides us with a wide variety of health benefits. With its crunchy texture and refreshing taste, celery has become an essential ingredient in many cuisines around the world.

From its vitamin and mineral content to its ability to improve digestion and keep us hydrated, celery is a smart choice to incorporate into our daily diet. However, to get the most out of this vegetable, it’s important to know how to store it properly.

In this article, you’ll learn the best ways to store both celery leaves and stalks to keep them fresh and ready to use in your favorite dishes.

Benefits of consuming Celery

Before we dive into ways to store celery, it’s important to highlight the multiple benefits that this vegetable brings to our health. Celery is an excellent source of fiber, which makes it an ally in maintaining a healthy and regular digestive system. In addition, it is low in calories and contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid. Its antioxidant content also contributes to reducing inflammation in the body and improving cardiovascular health. Not to mention that its high water content makes it a refreshing and excellent option to keep us hydrated.

Ways to store Celery

To keep celery fresh and preserve its flavor and nutrients, here are two effective ways to store it, whether you have the leaves or the stems.

1. Storing celery leaves

Celery leaves are rich in flavor and can be used to add a special touch to soups, salads, sauces and other dishes. To keep them fresh and ready to use, follow these steps:

  • Wash the celery leaves carefully to remove any dirt or residue.
  • Drain them well and dry them with a clean cloth or using a salad spinner.
  • Place the leaves in an airtight container or plastic storage bag.
  • Place a slightly damp paper towel in the container or bag along with the leaves.
  • Close the container or seal the bag and store it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.
  • Celery leaves will stay fresh for about a week.

2. Storing celery stems

Celery sticks are great for snacking and enjoying as a healthy snack with hummus or other dips. To keep them fresh and crunchy, follow these tips:

  • Trim the ends of the celery stalks to remove any wilted or dried parts.
  • Wash the logs with cold water to remove any residue.
  • Dry the logs with a clean cloth or kitchen paper.
  • Wrap each celery stalk individually in aluminum foil or plastic wrap.
  • Store them in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.
  • Celery stalks will stay fresh for about 1-2 weeks.

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Can celery be frozen?

Yes, celery can be frozen to extend its shelf life and keep it fresh longer. Freezing celery is a great option if you have more than you can consume in a short period of time or if you want to use it in future recipes.

Although the freezing process may affect its crunchy texture, frozen celery is still ideal for use in soups, stews, sauces, and other preparations that involve cooking.

Steps to freeze celery

  • Cleaning and cutting: Wash the celery thoroughly, making sure to remove any dirt or residue. Then, cut the celery into smaller pieces, such as dice, slices, or sticks, depending on your preference and how you plan to use it after defrosting.
  • Drying: Make sure to dry the celery thoroughly before freezing. You can use a paper towel or a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.
  • Packaging: Place the celery pieces in freezer bags or airtight containers. If you use bags, remove as much air as possible before sealing. If you prefer containers, make sure they are tightly sealed.
  • Labeling and dating: Don’t forget to label the bags or containers with the contents and the date they were frozen. This way, you’ll know how long they’ve been frozen.
  • Freezing: Place the bags or containers in the freezer and make sure they are well distributed for faster and more even freezing.