
Grafting roses of different colors: a step-by-step guide for shrub lovers ✅

By Lilia
  1. Timing: Carry out grafting in summer when the roses are healthy and the sap is flowing vigorously.
  2. Disinfect Tools: Clean the garden knife/shears with rubbing alcohol to prevent the spread of disease.
  3. Collect Cuttings: Obtain stem cuttings with three buds. Carve a “V” shape at the bottom.
  4. Select the Rootstock: Choose a biennial stem from the mother plant. Make a 1cm-deep incision in the stem.
  5. Insert the Scion: Insert the scion in a “V” shape into the incision in the rootstock. Wrap tightly with grafting tape.

Post-Transplant Care:

  • Water abundantly for 15 days, ensuring that the soil remains moist.
  • Prune the first shoots until the plant stabilizes.
  • Remove the grafting tape when the scion grows independently.
  • Provide a suitable soil mix and composted substrate.
  • Ensure sufficient space, air circulation and sun exposure for thriving roses