
Hemp rope for disc herniation and joint pain

By Lilia

From ancient times to today, hemp has a multitude of applications ranging from the production of paints, paper, construction materials, biodiesel, motor oils to medical products. 

The first documented evidence of the use of hemp in medicine was found in medical texts in archaeological excavations from 2737 BC. 

Hemp can grow almost anywhere and is resistant to different growing conditions. 

It is rarely affected by pests or diseases, and in addition, it cleans the soil around it and kills weeds.

Our ancestors wore clothes made of hemp – hemp shirts, socks, pants, hats, belts, aprons and others. 

They rarely suffered from some of the common diseases of modern times, such as osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, spinal curvatures, spikes, neuritis. 

Of course, the reasons for the high incidence of these diseases are complex, but undoubtedly the use of hemp in the past played some role in the prevention of these and other diseases. 

In recent years, interest in natural remedies and methods has been progressively growing and more and more people are looking for ways of treatment in traditional medicine, where hemp occupies a significant position.

Hemp is grown in many parts of the world , with its main producers being France, Canada and China. 

It has been banned for cultivation in the USA since 1950. Despite their qualities, the US government does not recognize the differences between industrial hemp and marijuana. 

In fact, the US Drug Enforcement Agency classifies all varieties of cannabis as marijuana, making industrial hemp just as illegal regardless of its use.

Hemp seeds are extremely rich in protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids (one of the few plant-based sources of omega-3), omega-6 fatty acids, and more.

An interesting fact is that hemp fibers have the ability to block 50% more ultraviolet rays than cotton, for example.

It is important to note that there are some differences between hemp and marijuana.

The term hemp is used to refer to the fibers from the stem of Cannabis Sativa. Cannabis Sativa is a cannabis variety that is preferred for this purpose due to its long stems (they can reach over 6 meters in height). 

Its fibers and seeds are used for the purposes of nutrition, textile industry, oils and others.

Marijuana is cannabis (Cannabis Indica), which is grown for the plant’s buds, which contain psychoactive compounds. 

Industrial hemp contains less than 1% psychoactive substances, while marijuana contains up to 20% and more. 

The difference in the content of psychoactive substances is due to the fact that industrial hemp is not grown to produce the buds in which these substances are concentrated. 

No buds, no marijuana. In fact, industrial hemp contains cannabidiol, which actually reduces the effects of psychoactive substances. 

Apart from the levels of psychoactive substances, there is also a visual difference between hemp and marijuana. 

Plants grown for marijuana are usually wide and reach up to 1.5 m tall, while industrial hemp is grown up to 4.5 m tall.

Hemp rope is made from twisted, braided or coiled hemp fibers. 

It can be made in different lengths and thicknesses, according to its purpose. The fibers from which the hemp ropes are made are referred to as “liko” – the part of the plant that grows under the outer layer of the bark. 

These fibers are extremely strong and long and are important for the growth of the plant in length. In the past, such ropes were used for climbing, fishing, in shipping, fishing, riding and construction. 

Due to the decline in the production of industrial hemp and the availability of alternative reliable materials for making ropes, hemp ropes are used less frequently in the modern world.

Hemp rope is distinguished by an extremely beneficial effect for the relief of symptoms and the treatment of a number of acute and chronic diseases, especially those accompanied by pain in the bones, joints and muscles.

Principle of operation of the hemp rope

It is believed that projections of neurovascular elements and internal organs are located on the skin surface. 

The activity of the hemp rope is based on an impact on the biochemistry and energy field in these projections, which “takes away” the excess energy, and at the same time, the chemical substances contained in the fibers penetrate the skin and have an analgesic effect.

The fine threads of hemp have the ability to influence the biopotential of various tissues and organs, reducing the excess electricity accumulated as a result of the damage to the affected organ or structure. 

This principle of action is similar to the effect on bioactive points in acupuncture and reflexology.

The action of the hemp rope also includes a mechanical effect on the touch receptors, which supports tissue healing.

There are reports of a so-called memory effect – patients who have used hemp rope once report that upon repeated use, the effect occurs faster and with greater intensity. 

The probable explanation for this includes the activation of the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune system, thanks to which a shortcut of action is built, on the principle of “short circuit”.

Indications and method of use of the hemp rope

Hemp rope is recommended for pain relief in neuritis, sciatica, disc herniation (discopathy), osteoarthritis, osteophytes (spike), headaches, and more. The rope is placed on the painful area, under the clothes, without tightening. 

To maximize the efficiency of the hemp rope, it must be stored in dry and ventilated rooms, with a humidity of no more than 80%. 

The rope should not come into contact with cleaning agents, acids, bases and other aggressive chemical substances. 

The use of hemp rope does not require special knowledge about the biologically active points of the body, it is enough to wrap it around the area of ​​damage.

For the desired effect to occur, it is necessary to wear the rope regularly, removing it only during bathing. 

When it gets wet, the action of the rope decreases. The effectiveness of the hemp rope is about 1 to 2 months, after which it needs to be replaced with a new one. 

The attenuation of the effect is to some extent related to the thinning and smoothing of the fine threads in the rope.


The application of hemp rope is not recommended if you suffer from a skin disease and should not be applied to areas of the skin where there are local changes, including rashes, bumps, pimples, bumps and others. 

This is related to the adverse effect of mechanical irritation and friction of the skin in such changes and conditions.

Can hemp rope for joint pain be made at home?

Hemp was a widely cultivated crop in the Bulgarian villages. People used it to make clothes (from the so-called “pieces”), which were believed to be a sign of lack of income and poverty, without suspecting the healing properties of this raw material. 

Does this mean we can take a few strands of twine , weave them together and make a healing hemp belt? Yes, we can! We just need to get some twine made from hemp threads. 

Perhaps the effect will not be analogous to a specially designed and patented product, but it certainly won’t hurt. 

In folk medicine, one can find a number of recommendations and positive reviews of wearing a rope against lower back pain.