
The physiotherapist shows methods to stop pain in the cervical spine and back

By Lilia

The easiest ways to relieve neck pain , eliminate headaches (which originate in the spine) and improve posture in the comfort of your own home.

According to statistics, the average person spends 2 to 4 hours a day sitting motionless in front of a computer.

However, many of us spend a much larger part of the day this way.

Not surprisingly, this digital addiction often leads to some serious consequences – the constant pressure on the cervical spine causes not only pain, but also long-term problems.

Online health portal search-2.blogspot.com has contacted a prominent physiotherapist to share the easiest ways to relieve neck pain, eliminate headaches (which originate from the spine) and improve posture in the comfort of your own home .

1. Tennis ball massage

How to do it:

Take a tennis ball and start massaging the base of the skull in different directions – we’re talking massage, not excessive pressure.

If you feel you’ve hit a hard area, massage it for at least 20-30 seconds while applying steady pressure to the area, then relax and continue massaging.

The results:

The tennis ball will help you regain mobility in your neck because it easily penetrates the soft tissues and tears the stiff and tense muscle fibers.

2. Bridge

How to do it:

Lie on your stomach with your chin on the floor and your arms at your sides.

Bend your knees so that your heels are over your butt.

Grab your ankles with both hands.

Inhale and lift your heels up to the ceiling and your hips off the floor. Pull your torso and head off the floor at the same time.

Hold the position for 10 seconds.

Slowly lower your body to the floor as you exhale.

The results:

The position will help you strengthen your shoulders and thus strengthen your back muscles and critical areas of the cervical spine .

3. Camilla

How to do it:

Kneel on the floor, knees shoulder-width apart and hips perpendicular to the floor.

Carefully lean back so that your palms touch your feet.

Grab the feet with both hands.

If that is not possible, at least try as hard as you can.

Push your head back and hold the pose for about 30-60 seconds, then return to the starting position.

The results:

The position will help relieve stiffness in the neck muscles and increase mobility in this area.

4. Cobra

How to do it:

Lie face down on the ground.

We repeat 30 times exactly as you see in the picture.

The results:

The pose will help you lengthen and strengthen the anterior neck muscles and straighten your shoulders to restore the natural curve of your spine.

5. Chin

How to do it:

Sit and place your fingers on your chin.

Keeping your eyes fixed forward, gently push your chin back towards the throat until you feel the border – the so-called lower part of the head.

Hold the position for 5 seconds and pull your chin forward again.

Repeat 10 times.

The results:

Chin exercises will help relieve pressure on the spine and reduce tension in the neck muscles.

6. Angular position

How to do it:

Stand in the corner of your room. Stand about 2 meters away from the wall.

Place both forearms on the walls in front of you – one wall each. Keep your elbows slightly below shoulder height.

Bend into the corner until you feel pressure in your chest and shoulders.

Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds and then return to the starting position.

The results:

The angled position will help strengthen your neck muscles and reduce pain, tension and discomfort in this area.

7. Healthy neck without pain

A quick exercise for the front muscles of the neck, slowly bend your chin up and hold for 15 seconds.

Then lift your head back to the starting position. Tilt your head back and hold the pose for 15 seconds.

Repeat the exercise 10 times from both positions.

To move the side of the neck, tilt the head to the left, pull the left ear to the left shoulder.

Hold the position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Do a total of 10 reps.

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