
12 Early Warning Signs of Dementia

By Lilia

Dementia is a term that refers to a decline in mental abilities that manifests itself with symptoms such as memory loss and difficulty thinking. 

It is a terrible condition that affects the lives of both the victims and their families.

12 early warning signs of dementia.

1. Problems with short-term memory 

Problems with short-term memory are one of the most common early signs of dementia. 

At first these changes are very subtle, causing a person to remember the events of past years without remembering recent events. 

They also can’t remember where they put something or why they went somewhere.

2. Difficulty choosing the right word

When a person has difficulty choosing the right word, dementia is very likely to develop.

3. Mood swings 

Mood swings are another common early sign of dementia. 

His victims often find themselves depressed for a short period of time. 

In addition to this, a change in personality is possible, meaning that someone who was shy can become outgoing.

4. Lethargy

Lethargy is very common in those in the early stages of dementia. 

Victims are likely to lose interest in everything, even things they used to enjoy.

5. Difficulty making plans or solving problems

People in the early stages of dementia often have difficulty making plans or trying to carry out a plan they have previously created. 

Others may encounter problems when trying to deal with the numbers.

6. Difficulty performing normal daily activities

Another very common symptom of dementia is that it is difficult to do simple daily activities that used to be easy.

7. Difficult understanding of time

Time is relative and associations with the future, present or past can be difficult.

8. Difficulty recognizing places

Victims may sometimes not recognize familiar places and even the house may seem unfamiliar to them.

9. Spelling problems

Just as these people have a hard time finding the right word, they also have a hard time choosing the right word when it comes to spelling, making their job more difficult.

10. Repetitions

Repeating what they have already said several times earlier in the conversation is another symptom to look for in a person suffering from dementia.

11. Try to avoid change

While many people simply don’t like change, this sign can be frightening for people with dementia.

12. Failing to follow a storyline

As discussed earlier, people with dementia are likely to have difficulty focusing and concentrating. 

This often manifests itself as an inability to follow the plot while watching the movie.

How to protect yourself from dementia? Dementia will affect more and more people in the coming decades.

We are not exaggerating at all. We give you reliable information that is good to know. 

And here are the reasons:

Life expectancy is increasing. 

This means that the number of elderly people in whom the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia cannot be practically avoided will increase.

We will face a situation that was not typical of previous years.

Therefore, now is the best time for the specialists in the field of science and medicine to discover new methods of treatment and early diagnosis of these diseases.

Health care is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. It is good to include natural methods to fight dementia.

Today we would like to tell you about 5 effective ways to fight this disease.

1. Stimulating the brain: much more than solving sudoku

Stimulating the brain protects against dementia.

Stimulating the brain is extremely important to prevent the onset of cognitive disorders.

We’re talking about the brain’s unique ability called neuroplasticity, which allows us to make new connections and rebuild neural tissue.

Many of you will think that solving crosswords and sudoku is enough for the purpose, but in reality it is not.

To protect yourself from the onset of dementia, you need social contacts, communication and new challenges. 

You need to learn new things, expand your horizons, laugh, argue, be inspired by the people around you.

Your brain “refreshes” when you learn new things (the more complex the better). 

For example, learning a new musical instrument at age 70 does wonders for your cognitive health.

2. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids protect against dementia.

Fish oil is one of the best foods for your brain along with walnuts, avocados and all foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

These natural substances improve the functioning of the brain, take care of the heart and protect against neurodegenerative diseases with advancing age.

It is always good to change your diet and add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins.

3. The link between aspirin and brain health

Some observational studies, as well as articles such as the one published in the British newspaper Telegraph, prove that long-term aspirin intake reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Aspirin, taken in small amounts and after a certain age, protects brain cells.

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) reduces muscle and joint inflammation and prevents brain damage and neuron loss.

Aspirin thins the blood and thus protects against heart attacks and cerebrovascular diseases.

Never start taking aspirin on your own, even on a daily basis.

Your neurologist will analyze your condition and risk factors to decide whether or not to prescribe you a small daily dose of aspirin.

4. Exercise and Mediterranean cuisine

Mediterranean diet protects against dementia

A healthy menu rich in omega-3 fatty acids should also contain foods with a high fiber content, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meat and nuts.

Plus, a small glass of red wine a day can improve your heart and brain health.

Mediterranean cuisine is a unique example of a healthy diet that you can stick to.

The consumption of olive oil and rice, replacing prepared foods with seasonal and natural products will provide you with an incredible amount of extremely useful minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Remember: in order to optimize your quality of life and protect yourself from the onset of dementia, you must not forget the importance of physical activity.

Be active every day, walk, swim, dance, ride a bike, climb stairs instead of standing in front of the TV in the evening.

Don’t miss: Detect the first symptoms of Dementia in time

5. If you want to protect yourself from dementia, take care of your heart

In this article, we’ve told you how to take care of your brain, improve the connections between neurons, and make sure you’re getting enough nutrients to keep you from developing problems.

But there is another factor that we cannot ignore: you cannot take care of your brain without keeping your heart healthy because it will lose its strength and resilience.

That’s why it’s vital to keep track of the following:

You need to control your cholesterol level.

Monitor your blood sugar.

Take care of your blood pressure.

Avoid being overweight.

Finally, something very important, you need to take care of your emotional life, which can cause you a lot of problems.

Stress and anxiety are among the main enemies of your heart and brain.