
Why is caña con ruda drunk every August 1st and how to prepare it?

By Lilia

Every beginning of the month is important, but not as much as the first of August. On this date, a popular and ancient tradition created by the native peoples of America takes place. It involves drinking sugarcane with rue and all this in order to begin a protection against evil spells that lasts a whole year.

Despite the years, this drink has not lost its followers. The purpose of the ritual is, apart from scaring away evil spells, to give us good health and attract good luck. In this way, we ward off the envy of people who want to harm us or our family.

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But where does it come from and what does it mean?

It all started in the north of Argentina, more specifically in Misiones and Corrientes. Over time, it became so famous that it spread throughout the country.

It is a very old tradition, which comes from the indigenous peoples of Latin America . They knew very well the power of rue, both medicinally and spiritually. For example, rue was very good against parasites and gastrointestinal ailments. The use of this plant soothed pain and even the bites of bugs and vermin.

In that area, the first of August was a difficult time for the country man. The date always announced that a great amount of rain was about to fall and the cold was almost unbearable. This duo of discomfort meant that sooner or later there were numerous deaths of cattle, to the point of being a total loss.

After an arduous search, they found the cane with rue, a remedy against bad luck and a protection against all evil that comes from outside.

Evolution of the remedy or concoction

It is very interesting how, at the beginning of everything, liquors made from chañar, patay, tunas or carob beans were used. At that time, some medicinal herbs were added to mix flavors or to achieve a potent medicine.

But everything changed with the arrival of the Europeans, causing certain ingredients to be changed until they became what we know today.

During those years, the Spanish colonization introduced the cultivation of sugar cane. With it, sugar was made and then sugar cane liquor, making two essential products for that time.

Then, in America, came the arrival of Rue, whose medicinal properties were incredible. It was then that the combination of this drink was formed, from there the Guaraní imagination began to attribute healing properties and many incredible virtues to it.

And so the popular belief was born, which considers the cane with rue as a protector against envy and bad luck. It was also called ” a powerful concoction that is consumed to scare away the evils of winter.”

At that time, the following phrase was also used: ” July prepares them and August takes them away.”  To avoid these evils, this drink was prepared to counteract them and achieve an unimaginable defense.

If you want to take it, you have to take into account the date. This is very important, but you also have from the first to the 15th of August, which is when any type of ritual ends.

During these dates, you can see several Latin American countries such as Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, etc., celebrating “Pachamama Day” or “Day of the Great Mother Earth.”

This festival is held to thank Pachamama, and in the middle of the festival, sugarcane with rue is drunk to achieve a productive year, free of evils and anyone who wants to do harm.