

By Lesia

If you want a garden that will make the neighborhood envious, use this powerful mix. With just two ingredients, you have no idea what can really happen to your personal green space. .

Use this powerful mixture if you want a garden that will make your neighbors crazy with envy . You only need  2 simple and cheap ingredients . These are.


Caring for a garden is a big responsibility . The survival of plants and flowers depends almost entirely on our skills and commitment.

How beautiful it is  to see green grass, with fragrant and colourful sprouts  sprouting between the blades of grass? And all the garden fauna, such as snails and worms  that also contribute to the well-being of the plants, aren’t they a bucolic and naturalistic spectacle?

However,  not all gardens shine with health and beauty . Often, due to lack of time or simple carelessness,  we end up neglecting our little green space .

There is no point in resorting to drastic remedies that can only make the situation worse. Instead, start turning  to natural remedies  that can save your plants, your flowers, and your garden.

In this sense,  if you want a garden that will make the neighborhood envious,  use this powerful mixture . Only then will you be able to see your beautiful, lovingly cultivated plants and flowers bloom in a short time.

Use this potent mix if you want a garden that will make your neighbor envious.

It is not always easy to take care of your own garden. The daily commitments, the rush and sometimes even the capricious seasons do not help us to make the plants, flowers and fruits grow well.

How to avoid this problem?

No,  you don’t have to buy pesticides or chemical fertilizers . Instead, read on to find out how  to make a powerful mixture  that will change the look of your garden.

You only need 2 ingredients: baking soda and olive oil . You probably already know that these ingredients are  very versatile and useful  for doing household chores.

Baking soda , for example,  is a natural deodorant  but also  an effective stain remover :  pour a tablespoon into the washing machine tray  and enjoy the smell and cleanliness of your laundry.

But its  amazing properties  don’t stop there. Many women also use this ingredient to prepare a natural exfoliant that softens and purifies the skin . Others, however, find it very useful in the kitchen, using it instead of yeast or to sweeten and neutralize the acidity of tomato sauce . In short, it is a magic ingredient.

When combined with olive oil , you can make a powerful mixture that will revive your garden with your own hands. This white powder can become a  natural pesticide ,  an ecological and harmless ally .

All you have to do is  mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in 4 liters of water . The result is a natural repellent that will keep those dangerous pests that only end up ruining your beautiful plants away from your garden.

Experts recommend using this mixture once every three days . After the first application you will notice that  pests such as aphids, scale insects and spiders will be only a distant memory. .

With oil and baking soda you will have created a  powerful but non-toxic insecticide  that will expel all the pests from your garden in a matter of minutes. So if you want a garden that will make your neighbors envious, use this potent mix. You will not regret.

If the pest problem arises then, especially during the summer period, you need to take immediate action now. Again  baking soda is your solution . If you have already noticed swarms of ants in your garden, or worse, heading to your house,  prepare this mixture .

Sprinkle 5 teaspoons of baking soda, 5 teaspoons of semolina sugar, and 1 teaspoon of water into a bowl or spray bottle. Spray the solution on your plants or place a dish with these ingredients in your home.

The ants, attracted by the sugar, will fall into your trap and only then will you be able to get rid of them once and for all. These  techniques  that we have revealed to you are not only effective, but also very cheap.

I’m sure you have some  baking soda and olive oil at home too. If you combine them, you can only do good for your garden. The powerful mixture that results will truly save your garden.

In any case, no matter how you make this  natural pesticide , we recommend that you always have a packet of baking soda at home.

This ingredient is magical for many things. It is:

  • Clean clothes; .
  • Disinfects surfaces; .
  • Eliminates bad odors ;
  • Regulates pH; .
  • Clean the dirty dishes ;
  • Keep pests away from plants .

Of course, you can’t do without having such a powerful and effective natural product at home. Combined with the virtuous properties of oil , you can create a truly super-effective pesticide that will make your garden the envy of the neighborhood.