
How to plant blueberries at home to have plenty of them and not buy more?

By Lesia

Slightly sweet, the blueberry is a dark red to purple fruit that is distinguished by its richness in vitamins, including vitamin K, trace elements and mineral salts. Indeed, this small fruit contains significant amounts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc or even vanadium. Derived from the blueberry tree, a shrub of the Ericaceae family, blueberries are tasty and low in calories. To harvest blueberries, you can learn how to plant the shrub at home.

In various sweet preparations such as cakes, muffins or juices, blueberries retain their flavour and offer a host of benefits for the body. Grown for their fruits, the blueberry can grow in the garden or in a large pot placed on the balcony. To   succeed in your gardening and grow this fruit tree  , here are our tips.

The blueberry: two species to distinguish

There are two species of blueberries:

  • Vaccinium   myrtillus  , a wild blueberry that is 20 to 50 cm tall and has evergreen foliage. The latter is usually grown on heaths on the moors, or in woodlands and clearings.
  • Vaccinium corymbosum  , a 1.5 to 2 metre tall bush blueberry that is easily grown in pots, garden soil or in the vegetable patch.

From May onwards, clusters of white bells appear on the bush.

In summer, the berries appear and ripen for consumption. Some blueberry trees are self-pollinating and you can simply plant them to bear fruit.

How to plant blueberries at home?

Blueberries should be planted in sun or partial shade. Additionally, this shrub thrives in very acidic, well-drained soil devoid of limestone. If your garden is not suitable, you can plant the shrub in a fairly wide container and cover the bottom with a layer of clay pebbles or gravel. Next, it will be necessary to fill the tray with heather soil, 1/10 compost or potting soil to ensure that the substrate retains maximum water. Also, to have a good harvest, try planting your bushes in the fall to promote rooting. If you plant them in spring, remember to water them regularly so they can grow optimally.

How to maintain the blueberry tree?

Starting in March, the blueberry bush should receive a special rhododendron fertilizer. It will be necessary to cover the bush with pine bark or pine needles in the fall to preserve the acidity of the soil. When the weather is dry, make sure you water regularly and use non-calcareous water. In winter, remember to remove dead wood without pruning the blueberry. In addition, the blueberry is propagated by cuttings, by division and by layering.

Thanks to these tips, you can plant your own fruit bushes and enjoy saving money.