
Everyone has this spice in the kitchen, but few know about the effect and: Take it out, boil it and spray your body with it. The ticks are running away!

By Lilia

Almost everyone has this herb at home, and few people know that it is a great repellent against ticks.

Boil it, spray your body and the ticks will surround you!

Tick ​​season is underway.

These parasites can make any walk in the woods unpleasant, and when they get stuck in the skin, both for us and our pets, they can cause serious problems.

There are several ways to protect yourself from these arachnids.

As the portal search-2.blogspot.com points out , this herb, which you probably have at home, will be enough for you.

A spice that repels ticks

To protect yourself from ticks, try making your own lotion and spraying it on your body.

Thanks to this, you will repel these unpleasant parasites.

This herb has an irritating smell that ticks hate.


Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of rosemary, cover for 8 minutes and pour into a spray bottle.

Wait for it to cool down and before you go into the woods or on a picnic, spray your body and the blanket you will sit on to be safer.

If you don’t have rosemary at home, you can also use another herb – thyme.

Of course, you can mix these two herbs into one mixture.

How to remove a tick?

If the tick has embedded itself in the skin, you need to react as quickly as possible.

Remember that this is not a reason to see a doctor right away.

You can remove the tick yourself, but you must follow a safe procedure:

For disinfection, prepare a suitable tool – plastic tweezers (metal tweezers may be too sharp and the tick will be cut instead of caught) or “tick trap” from the pharmacy and hydrogen peroxide or 40% alcohol.

Grasp the clip at the front of the body, close to the skin, and pull upwards with a strong motion. 

Visit a doctor in two cases – if you are not sure about the correct removal of the tick or if you notice a change in the bite site after removal.

Do you have this blood type?

Getting a tick on you is quite easy – just walk in the forest or on the meadow with an exposed part of the body.

Many factors influence whether we will be attacked.

Studies even show that tick victims are more likely if they have this blood type.

Which blood tastes best to ticks?

The study at Masaryk University in Brno was conducted on 100 people.

Ticks have been shown to select people with blood type A in up to 36% of cases.

Only in 15% of cases did the parasites attack people with blood type B.

The results are as follows: people with blood group A are the most vulnerable to tick attacks, followed by groups AB and 0, and at the very end are the owners of group B – they are the least likely to become a target of these arachnids.

However, you should always take protection against ticks seriously, regardless of your blood type – these parasites carry dangerous diseases and there are no “untouchable” people.

How to protect yourself from tick attacks?

Ticks hunt their victims and when they are in the right place, they get stuck under the skin and start sucking blood.

Of course, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of such an attack.

Avoid strong perfume scents (eg vanilla, etc.) and remember to cover your body parts well.

Before every walk, spray your body or clothes with this homemade repellant.

Homemade repellent against ticks

We need:

50 ml of oil – it can be coconut, sesame, linseed

30 drops of geranium essential oil


Add a measured amount of oil and essential oil to the spray bottle, close the cap and shake the bottle.

Apply to the skin before every walk.

What repels ticks?

There are other tick repellants.

They do not like the smell of some herbs, and therefore it is worth using them to prepare infusions that can be sprayed both on the skin and on clothes.

They are for example:





Simply pour the herbs with a small amount of boiling water and after 20 minutes strain the decoction.

Pour into a spray bottle and spray before going out.

These herbs are also worth having in the garden, terrace or balcony to keep insects away.

The smell of sage or lavender is pleasant, so such plants in your environment will allow you to combine the pleasant with the useful.

Experts claim that lemon balm leaves are a natural and, above all, effective means of dealing with ticks.