
How to correct a hump in the neck with simple exercises

By Lilia

If you suffer from pain in the cervical spine and have the so-called slouching, these exercises are made just for you.

They correct posture and relieve back pain!

If you feel pain in the cervical vertebrae and shoulders, it is caused by the pressure exerted on the muscles of the cervical vertebrae due to poor posture.

That is why it is necessary to correct the position of the head and “push” it back.

This is exactly what the following exercises are for.

1. Exercise

Stand upright.

Grasp your chin with your index and middle finger.

Gently push your head back.

Push your head back as far as is comfortable. 

You can repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times in a row or stay in the back position for at least 10 seconds and repeat 5 times. 

2. Exercise

Stand upright.

Place your hands in a “W” position, then push your elbows back and down.

Be careful not to push your shoulders up, but instead pull them down.

You should feel a stretch in your mid back as you do this.

Another thing to be careful about with this exercise is that when you pull your shoulder blades back, you don’t push your head forward again.

This would render the exercise ineffective.

The head should be slightly pulled back, as in the first exercise.

With shoulder blades pulled back, hold for 5 seconds and then release.

Repeat 5 times. 

3. Exercise

For the third exercise, raise your arms in a “Y” shape and again be careful not to pull your shoulders up and head forward.

Then pull your palms back as far as is comfortable.

You should feel a nice stretch in your shoulders and chest.

Stay in this position for 2 deep breaths. 

Then pull your arms with your elbows toward your body in a “W” position.

Hold again for 2 deep breaths.

Then pull your arms into an “L” position.

This means that the arms are drawn towards the body.

The forearms are horizontal to the ground.

Finally, raise your arms into a “T” position, raising your entire arms so that they are parallel to the ground at shoulder level.

Do not lift your shoulders, palms facing forward, turn off your chest and pull your shoulder blades back towards you.

Hold for 2 breaths/exhalations and release.

Do these exercises several times a day.

They will visibly improve your posture.

We wish you luck!