
For 40 consecutive days, potato broth improves the condition of the joints and their mobility.

By Lilia

Peter Dunov’s angel soup. You know her, right? 

However – read on.  Why is it useful? 

For osteoporosis and joint pain – for 40 days, drink one and a half liters of potato broth in the morning in sips, but not once, but throughout the day, after drinking the broth – eat other food. 

It is recommended for people who have had problems with joint mobility and chronic immobilization.

Three large potatoes (or 5 small ones), a liter and a half of water, parsley (maybe chives). 

Potatoes are washed, cut into pieces (it is desirable that they are unpeeled), because the peels contain many useful substances. 

It’s not wrong for them to be peeled. 

They are placed in boiling water until the potatoes are cooked. 

Parsley is added at the end of cooking and a little dill. No salt.

Because the water has already absorbed what we need. It is the broth that is essential. 

(You can safely discard the potatoes or use them for another meal for the family.) 

It helps to reduce the symptoms of gastritis. 

It helps with detoxification and is excellent for detoxifying the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and your whole body. Improves digestion and supports blood circulation.

Allow the broth to cool and drink on an empty stomach. 

When you drink 400 ml of it you can brush your teeth. 

Because the “first saliva” in the morning is healing and it consists of … enzymes (read below) The broth is taken for 40 days – one and a half liters per day.

Ingestion of one’s own enzymes improves the condition of the digestive system. 

As a result of drinking this potato broth for 40 consecutive days – an improvement in the mobility of the joints is also observed. 

Why drink potato broth and how to prepare it?

Some evidence suggests that a certain potato protein known as potato proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2) can curb appetite. 

This protein appears to increase the release of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that promotes satiety.  

Potatoes are rich in bioflavonoids and antioxidants. 

Water, the greatest absorber, extracts their useful substances from them. 

Complex carbohydrates from potatoes supply the body with essential trace elements and energy for the whole day. 

Their resistant starch is practically not digested in the intestines, which means that it does not turn into glucose and does not raise the level of insulin in the blood. 

When resistant starch reaches the colon, it becomes food for beneficial bacteria in the gut. 

These bacteria digest it and convert it into short-chain fatty acids. 

Resistant starch from potatoes is mostly converted to the short-chain fatty acid butyrate, the preferred food source for gut bacteria.

Studies show that butyrate can reduce inflammation in the colon, strengthen the colon’s defenses, and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Additionally, butyrate may help patients with inflammatory bowel disorders such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and diverticulitis.

Potatoes are naturally gluten-free, which means they won’t cause uncomfortable symptoms. 

In addition, their potato biocompatible starch prevents the development of atherosclerosis. 

Because potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, which removes excess fluids from the body. 

This is the reason why they are included in the list of recommended foods for kidney problems.  

Don’t forget – most of the nutrients are in the potato skin.

Using them in cooking will ensure that you get the maximum amount of nutrients from the potatoes.

A healthy and balanced diet affects our overall well-being and the functioning of our body. 

Our immune system also benefits from the supply of nutrients and our body is then better able to defend itself successfully against pathogens.  

It is also good to drink potato broth, herbal infusion of raspberry leaves, thyme, lemon balm and plenty of water.

It is! For a good start to the day, crowned by nerves!