
How Turkic peoples lower blood pressure very quickly and easily

By Lilia

High blood pressure is a problem for nearly 80% of the elderly population of Bulgaria. 

Many people with cardiovascular disease are forced to take handfuls of medication every day. 

And yet, sometimes their blood pressure jumps and cannot be controlled with medication. 

For all those who wish to help themselves with natural means, we offer an excerpt from Savelii Kashnitsky’s book “Recipes for Longevity. 

Pearls from the medicine of the East and the West”. These recipes are great for preventing high blood pressure. 

And people who have been taking medications for years should consult their cardiologists .

Zisifora (deer grass) tea

To lower blood pressure, and also to maintain a stable health condition of hypertensives, the herb sisiphora, also known as deer grass, is used in Central Asia. Its smell is reminiscent of the aroma of thyme.

Zisyphora is brewed into tea. The maximum daily dose is one tablespoon in half a liter of water. The decoction can be drunk during the day without an exact regimen. 

In addition to blood pressure, it also affects the excretory system, cleaning the intestines and calming the nervous system.

A mixture of honey, lemon and garlic

The following mixture helps to treat hypertension, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis: 1 spoon of honey, juice of 10 lemons, 5 heads of garlic (medium size). 

Squeezed lemon juice, peeled and minced garlic and honey are mixed, and the resulting mixture is left for a week in the refrigerator. 

Take 4 teaspoons of the mixture every day, with an interval of one minute between taking the spoons.

Iodine by Indian method

The Indian method of treating hypertension is applied twice a year – in March and in September, according to the following scheme. In the evening before going to bed, a circle is drawn with iodine on the skin of different parts of the body:

March 1 – as a bracelet above the wrist of the left hand

March 2 – as a bracelet over the right ankle

March 3 – as a bracelet above the wrist of the right hand

March 4 – as a bracelet over the left ankle

March 5 – as a bracelet above the left elbow joint

March 6 – as a bracelet above the right knee

March 7 – as a bracelet above the right elbow joint

March 8 – as a bracelet above the left knee

March 9 – line on the back from the left shoulder to the right hip joint

March 10 – line on the back from the right shoulder to the left hip joint

After a ten-day break, the same is repeated. The scheme is similar in autumn – from September 1 to 10 and from September 21 to 30.

Ear massage

Blood can also be regulated by massaging the auricle.

Put on the ears and squeeze the fingers of both hands, hold for a minute, then sharply pull them to the side. Repeat this procedure three times.

Then put one palm on the crown and the other on the solar plexus and hold it like that for five minutes.

Finally, press both hands to the side of the body and stay like that for five minutes. 

All this is done once in the morning and once in the evening for six consecutive days. As a result, blood pressure is normalized for a long period of time.

Point massage

Lowering blood pressure can also be done by massaging certain points on the body. 

You press the point with your thumb or forefinger, making rhythmic circular movements clockwise. 

One minute the point is pressed lightly, the second minute – strongly, and the third – lightly again. The procedure starts from the point of the crown – yu-chen, which is located in the center of the thought line that divides the head vertically into two equal halves.

At the same time, the tun-tian point on the top of the head is massaged along the arc connecting the two ears, but not in the middle, but slightly to the right. (see fig. 1)

Fig. 1

The second two points that are massaged at the same time are peng-chi. They are located on the back of the head under the prominent hillocks of the skull. (see picture 2)

Photo 2

The third pair of zhen-zhi points is found by bisecting the line coming from the top of the shoulder to where the shoulder and neck meet. 

The fourth pair of he-gu points are located between the thumb and forefinger of both hands, where they form a triangle. (see fig. 3)

Fig. 3

The fifth pair of tai-yang points are at the temple, where the veins pulsate.

The sixth pair of points zu-san-li are the points of longevity, located under the knee cap, in a hollow (respectively to the left of the left knee and to the right of the right knee).

The seventh pair of san-yin-zhao points are located on the inside of the ankles, in the hollow next to the knuckles.

In addition to massaging the points, 4-5 pulls on the upper part of the earlobe should also be done.

All this takes 35 minutes, and the blood pressure finally drops by 10-20 units.

General recommendations

Blood pressure is also lowered by foot baths in a decoction of hawthorn and white sorghum. Taking buckwheat porridge (buckwheat) with fennel and limiting sugar and salt in food also helps.

If you do not have problems with your stomach and intestines, it is good to drink two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of water daily.

Foods rich in carbohydrates are recommended: fruits, vegetables, berries, honey (which thins the blood and lowers pressure), eggs, and also small amounts of meat, milk, peas, beans, nuts. 

To increase the consumption of organic acids by taking apples, grapes, cranberries or squeezed in the form of juice from these fruits.

To reduce wheat. Buckwheat and corn are suitable substitutes.

Follow a diet with an increased content of polyunsaturated fatty acids – fish oil, fish, green tea, skim milk, kefir, yogurt, fresh cabbage. Take omega-3 from food supplements.

Do moderate exercise or walk for an hour a day, even if you have very high blood pressure and II-III degree angina.

Medicinal drinks

1. Mix a cup each of honey, carrot juice, horseradish juice and juice of one lemon. Drink one tablespoon of the mixture three times a day.

2. Fill a jar of honey with half a liter of alcohol and heat on low heat, stirring constantly. When frothy, remove from heat and let cool. 

Then, using a coffee grinder, grind separately, without mixing, pacha grass, celandine grass (snake’s milk), devil’s mouth, chamomile flowers, hawthorn and rosehip berries, white sable, valerian root. 

One tablespoon of each herb should be mixed and poured with a liter of hot water and left for two hours. Then they are filtered and mixed with the already prepared honey and alcohol.

The first week of the medicinal drink is taken 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening, and in the second week – 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening.

3. Sea buckthorn juice (also known as sea buckthorn, sea buckthorn, Siberian pineapple) is also used for hypertension: 1 g of the herb per 1 kg of weight. If the person weighs 75 kg, he should take 75 g per day.

Herbal mixtures

Make herbal tea. For example, a mixture of 15 g of white millet, 20 g of astragalus, 20 g of wild hops and 20 g of field horsetail. 

One teaspoon of this herbal mixture is poured with 250 ml of hot water and left to stand for 45 minutes. 

Strain the infusion and drink a quarter cup 2-3 times a day after meals for 4 to 6 weeks.

For hypertension and ischemic heart disease, a soothing mixture of herbs is recommended: 25 g valerian root, 25 g devil’s mouth, 25 g fennel and 25 g frankincense. 

Pour one teaspoon of the mixture with 250 ml of hot water, let it stand for 45 minutes and strain. 

Drink half a cup twice a day, 30 minutes before meals, for 4 to 6 weeks.

Tibetan recipes

1. Boil 25 g of corn grains and 50 g of rice for 14 minutes on low heat in 200 ml of water. They are eaten for dinner.

2. Finely chopped beef (500 g) is boiled for one hour in 1 liter of water. Add 250 ml of some wine and boil for another three minutes. 

This dish is eaten twice a day – at lunch and dinner, for seven days.

Method of the Turkic peoples

Turkic peoples use another method of lowering blood pressure. You sit down, placing your palms on the opposite knee. 

Below the index fingers is this point on the foot that needs to be massaged. 

This is the point of longevity, because daily massaging and pressing the two symmetrical points below the knees greatly prolongs life. 

But our task is more modest – to lower high blood pressure. 

For this purpose, it is enough to massage the point with fingers clockwise for five minutes. 

This procedure can complement the intake of high blood pressure medication. 

It can also be used for prevention – if you perform it every morning, blood pressure normalizes. In addition, the immune system will be strengthened.

See also: How to cure hygroma with home remedies

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