
Peppermint in OIL is stronger than any medicine: Remember this proven recipe

By Lilia

Peppermint has already been used for medicinal purposes by our ancestors and has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for over 3,000 years.

Mint contains the active substance menthol, which has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cooling properties.

For example, peppermint oil is produced from mint, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or on the Internet, and even any adult can prepare it at home.

It will help in the treatment of many health problems.

Stimulates the immune system

Antiseptic and antibiotic action

Relieves pain (joints, head)

Freshens the breath

Promotes good sleep

Aids digestion

Supports the activity of the bile

Increases appetite

Eliminates flatulence

Removes spasms in the abdominal cavity

It helps to balance the intestinal microflora

Calms the nervous system

Eliminates diarrhea and constipation

Cools the body on hot days

Suitable for patients with rheumatism

Suitable for patients with skin diseases

Suitable for smokers (freshens breath)

Suitable for flu and cold

Not suitable for breastfeeding and pregnancy (reduces milk production)

How to make peppermint oil 

The mint leaves are washed thoroughly under running water and crushed in a mortar.

Cover the mint mixture with olive oil and let it sit in a sealed container for 24 hours.

Stir the mixture daily and add more olive oil if needed.

Repeat this procedure for 5 days.

Store the oil in a dark and dry place.

Headache and back pain

If you suffer from migraines or frequent headaches, peppermint oil is an ideal solution for these problems.

Rub the oil into your temples and use it for a gentle massage.

It also helps with pain and stiffness in the cervical vertebrae .

Excellent for varicose veins

Peppermint oil is excellent for massaging and rubbing on sore and tired feet.

Peppermint oil is excellent and has a relaxing and muscle-relaxing effect.

Digestive difficulties

This peppermint oil is a great helper for stomach problems.

Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a glass of water and drink. 

It will help with an upset stomach caused, for example, by travel.

Peppermint oil also reduces gas and bloating, improves digestion and speeds up metabolism.

For dental hygiene

You can also use a glass of water with a few drops of peppermint oil to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.

In this way, you will do something not only for the health of the oral cavity, but also for fresh breath.

In addition, it effectively fights bacteria living on the teeth and tongue.

Skin problems and allergies

Peppermint oil is also suitable for external use, for example in the form of steam or inhalation.

Because it is an antiseptic, it is a great choice for treating skin conditions and suppressing allergy symptoms .

Helps with acne or oily skin.

It is enough to add a few drops of oil to the water during steaming and the skin will be cleansed and the pores will shrink.

Relaxation for body and mind

Inhaling peppermint oil stimulates the human psyche, removes stress and nervousness.

In this way, the mind becomes clearer and the person becomes more concentrated and focused.

Other mint products such as teas, salves and balms have a similar effect.

Muscle relaxation

Mix a cup of sea salt, a third of a cup of olive oil and a few drops.

Use the mixture to exfoliate your feet.

Your feet will be beautifully soft and clean, and the mint relaxes your leg muscles.