
Ultimate trick to keep lemons fresh for 3 months

By Lesia

Ultimate Trick to Keep Lemons Fresh for 3 MonthsThe  

consumption of lemons is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) . It is a powerful antioxidant and bactericide, due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. Its consumption has always served to prevent many diseases. But in times of coronavirus, it has become a habit to prevent all kinds of respiratory and immune system conditions.This fruit, like the rest of the vegetables, tends to deteriorate and become damaged after a while. But there is a trick that will allow you to keep fresh lemons for up to 3 months in the refrigerator.A very simple way to preserve lemons is to  

store the fruit, previously washed, in airtight bags . For this technique to work, you must extract all the air contained inside the bag, close it and then store it in the refrigerator.Another trick  

is to preserve the lemons in a glass container with water . The container must be perfectly closed. Then, put it in the freezer or freezer.In addition to consuming lemons in meals, they are also good for other types of uses.Eliminates skin blemishes: it has vitamin C, which is an effective antioxidant and helps control photoaging.Whitens nails: It has whitening properties because it is a natural solvent of toxic substances.Reduces hair oil: it is a natural citrus fruit and therefore is rich in vitamins B, A and C, which help give greater vitality to the hair.Fights acne: The ascorbic acid it contains is useful in treating acne, as it reduces the oxidation of fat, which makes it difficult for blackheads to form. It also has an antimicrobial effect that reduces the amount of bacteria responsible for the production of pimples.