
Beer protects the kidneys, lowers cholesterol, strengthens bones and improves memory:

By Lilia

We all know beer well. It is an alcoholic drink that we usually drink with certain meals.

This is especially true for people in Europe. Beer is higher in protein and B vitamins than wine.

The amount of antioxidants is comparable to wine.

Hops, one of the main ingredients of beer, are an extremely rich source of flavonoids, which are very powerful antioxidants.

It is also good to know that beer is an extremely good source of minerals that play an important role in many metabolic processes.

When beer is drunk in reasonable amounts (see end of article), it can contribute to strengthening your health in several ways.

Protects the kidneys

Beer can help keep your kidneys and urinary tract healthy. 

An ongoing study has shown that beer does indeed have a beneficial effect on the kidneys.

In fact, one small beer reduces the risk of kidney stones by up to 40%!.

Lowers cholesterol

Beer can also lower blood cholesterol levels.

You should know the following:

Soluble fiber found in beer significantly reduces LDL cholesterol, ie. bad cholesterol.

Provides B vitamins

Beer increases the level of B vitamins in the body. 

According to experts, this drink contains several important B vitamins, such as B1, B2, B6 and B12.

Research also shows that beer drinkers have up to 30% higher levels of vitamin B6 than non-drinkers. 

Compared to wine consumers, this level is up to double!

Remember (especially vegetarians) that beer is a rich source of essential vitamin B12.

Strengthens bones, protects against osteoporosis

Beer for healthy bones! 

Yes, studies confirm that the increased silicon content in beer effectively contributes to better bone density and thus prevents osteoporosis.

Eliminates insomnia

Beer works great against insomnia. 

This effect is due to the substances lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which are abundant in beer and can promote sound sleep.

According to experts, beer drinkers have a 40% to 60% lower risk of heart attack than non-drinkers.

Reduces the risk of blood clots

Beer is also great for preventing dangerous blood clots. 

Experts claim that beer contains active substances that prevent the formation of blood clots. 

They can lead to thrombosis, causing stroke or other serious health complications.

Improves memory

Experts point out that beer has the potential to increase your memory capacity.

A recent study showed that beer drinkers have a much lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia than those who never drink beer.

It reduces stress

This drink is guaranteed to help you fight stress.

A group of scientists from the University of Montreal found that even 2 glasses of beer a day (2 x 250 ml.) can reduce stress and feelings of anxiety in the workplace.

Of course, it should only be drunk after working hours, not before or during it.

Improves skin quality

The last but not least benefit of drinking beer is its effect on the skin, making it look younger and more beautiful.

Experts confirm that certain vitamins in beer can regenerate the skin and also affect its pigmentation.

Beer makes your skin smoother and softer.

Luckily, it’s almost the weekend, so you know what to do. 

Go out in the evening to the nearest restaurant. But only one, maximum two!

How many beers a day?

The optimal amount is 1 small beer, but be careful, not every day! 

The best thing you can do is drink beer every other day. 

Such an amount of beer has the most effective effect on the heart and vascular system.

Dark is even healthier

In the production of dark beer, dark malts are used and they are richer in antioxidants. 

From this point of view, therefore, dark beer is more favorable for the body – it cleans it better.

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