
Mudra – saving human life

By Lilia

Mudras are healing gestures or Yoga with the fingers of the hands. They are used for relaxation, meditation, visualization or to solve health problems. 

In Sanskrit “mudra” is called the ritual position of the hands. 

The connoisseurs of the mudras list hundreds of different meanings of the combinations and figures depicted with the fingers of the hands. 

The performance time required to achieve the desired effect is mentioned for each mudra. 

After the session, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water to rid the body of toxins.

Curl your fingers like this: It could save your life

It is desirable that this mudra be known by all, and one day it may save your life.

Indications: pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations.

When these conditions appear, you should immediately start performing this mudra simultaneously with both hands. Relief is immediate.

In case of emergency, it works faster than nitroglycerin. It opens the personality to unconditional love, mercy and kindness. 

It helps to change the way of life and thinking – a must for every heart patient. It helps to understand one of the basic laws of the universe: “What you give is what you get.”

In emergency cases, the effect occurs immediately. Then – 3 times a day for 15 minutes. For prevention: once a day, 15-20 minutes.

Perform the mudra always with anxiety, excitement, unmotivated palpitations. Give yourself peace of mind – the only food for the soul.

Implementation method:

The index finger is bent in such a way that it touches the base of the thumb. At the same time, you contract the middle, ring and thumb fingers, while the little finger remains extended.

This really works. It has been tested countless times on a huge number of people and of course on me personally. 

You can easily experience the action of this mudra right now. 

Try to do as shown in the photo and you will feel a pleasant sensation in the chest resulting from the expansion of the vessels. 

There is a subtlety here, the index finger may not immediately reach the right place and you may not feel anything, move your finger a few millimeters in both directions, look for this point.

And more:

ABHAYA: Mudra providing protection

APPLICATION: Provides superior protection. It is used for all physical manifestations of fear: palpitations, sweating, redness, pallor, stuttering, shortness of breath, etc. 

It applies to any situation you think you can’t handle: anxiety, fear, panic, terror, etc. 

It also helps with fear of others, of loneliness, of pain, of violence, of indifference, of life itself… Fear of fear itself.

PERFORMANCE: Place the left hand on the heart. The right is in front of the chest, palm out, facing what scares you. 

The middle finger slightly “locks” the ring finger. With the help of this mudra you can also overcome past fears: call the memory of the fear and direct the mudra to it.

DOSAGE: No limit

APANA: Mudra of energy

APPLICATION: Mudra gives energy, inner harmony, confidence, patience.

It is used for pain, intoxication, to purify the liver and bile and from there – the whole organism; in diseases of the urinary system and spine. Stimulates the activity of the bile and the liver. 

It supports gratitude for existence and for all that life has to offer.

PERFORMANCE: The thumb, middle and ring finger are joined. The rest are free standing.

DOSAGE: In urgent need: 5 to 45 minutes; in chronic conditions: 3 times a day for 15 minutes.

ATMANJALI: Mudra of Harmony

APPENDIX: . Mudra is the key to inner harmony and peace. 

One of the most frequently used mudras, which harmonizes and activates the joint activity of the two cerebral hemispheres, as well as the body as a whole. 

Calms thoughts, gives clarity and confidence. When held in front of the chest, it maintains concentration and immersion, creates inner harmony.

PERFORMANCE: The palms come together and point to the sky, at the height of the chest, the throat or the Third Eye – trust your intuition.

DOSAGE: No limit. It is performed independently or at the end of the complex, after all other mudras, for a complete harmonization of energies


APPLICATION: The mudra is done for all types of bronchial diseases. Gives strength, strengthens body, mind and soul. 

In all situations in which “there is not enough air” and we feel pressured by others or by life. 

It supports the processes of giving and receiving by harmonizing the entire cycle. Everything in this world is mutual; it is impossible to only give or only to receive.

PERFORMANCE: The tip of the puppy is placed at the base of the thumb. The tip of the ring finger touches the first fold of the thumb. 

The middle finger touches the tip of the thumb. The index finger is extended.

DOSAGE: The mudra is performed for 5 minutes, 5 times a day.


APPLICATION: The mudra is used in all types and stages of asthma. Gives strength and joy of life. 

Supports the process of giving; the release from the past, the spent, spent, no longer needed and therefore harmful. 

It supports overcoming the fear that there will be no more air, because of which we cannot or do not want to exhale. 

In order for the new, good things to come, we must make room for them by freeing ourselves from the old, already experienced. 

The mudra supports the desire to live “Here and now”, to bury the past and to realize that life is endless.

PERFORMANCE: The palms touch at the base, next to the wrists. The middle fingers are pressed together in the area of ​​the nails. The remaining fingers are freely straightened.

DOSAGE: 5 times a day for 5 minutes.

Vajra (Lightning)

APPLICATION: Mudra bestows peace and spiritual power. Concentrates healing energy and directs it to problem areas. 

It helps with cardiovascular pathology, hypertension – high blood pressure and impaired blood supply. 

It is also used for the prevention and treatment of speech disorders; respiratory and nervous system; thyroid. 

It supports expression and creativity. Supports “liberation” at all levels – physical (separate functions); emotional – negative emotions; mental – outdated thought patterns and harmful habits.

PERFORMANCE. The fingers are interlaced in front of the chest. The thumbs and forefingers are touched and pointed to the sky.

DOSAGE: 15-20 minutes daily. In chronic conditions – up to 3 times a day.


APPLICATION: The mudra supports the quest to free ourselves from fears and build emotional health and immunity to the world around us. 

It strengthens patience and tolerance. Start accepting yourself as you are, allow yourself to love yourself; then love the rest of the world, which has just as much right to exist as we do, and allergic conditions and all their manifestations will begin to disappear. 

It is used for reduced immunity, allergic conditions, rashes, secretions in the sinuses, bronchi and intestinal tract; in case of disturbed intestinal flora as a result of overuse of antibiotics and all cases where honey treatment is applied.

PERFORMANCE: The index finger rests at the base of the thumb. The tip of the thumb touches the side of the nail of the middle finger. Nameless and the puppy are stretched out.

DOSAGE: 4 times a day for 7 minutes; if possible – 8 times a day for 15-20 minutes.

VAYU (Wind Mudra)

APPLICATION: The mudra is used for rheumatism, sciatica, sciatica, gout, swelling, heaviness, tremors in the hands, neck, head; bowel disturbances; violation of individual breathing rhythm. With increased excitability. Gives calmness and composure.

PERFORMANCE: The pads of the index fingers touch the base of the thumbs, which slightly press them. The remaining fingers are freely straightened.

DOSAGE: In acute cases – until the effect is achieved. Improvement occurs in just a few hours. In chronic cases – 5 times a day for 15 minutes.