
A glass of vinegar in the fridge, leave it there before going to bed – you won’t stop doing it

By Lesia

1-Bad odors in the refrigerator can be a problem at home, especially when you don’t have a solution to eliminate them. But don’t think that it is so difficult to solve it, in fact, there is a very effective home method that will help you a lot: the glass of vinegar. How does it work? Let’s find out together.
-Glass of vinegar in the refrigerator: why put it:
1-Bad smells in the refrigerator are really unpleasant: if you open the door and it smells bad, it could invade the entire kitchen and make those who enter the room feel uncomfortable.
2-These odors are mainly due to food stored in the appliance, which is not necessarily in poor condition, but may have other causes. So how to eliminate them and keep them at bay?
3-The first thing you should do is empty and clean the refrigerator, a procedure that you should do at least once a week. However, once you clean the interior, you should think of a very useful trick to preserve the pleasant smell of your refrigerator.
4-Vinegar has cleaning and degreasing properties, so in addition to cleaning with a mixture of water and this ingredient, you should also place it in a glass.
5-This will be a great ally to contain bad odors: you must place the glass on a shelf in the refrigerator, being careful not to spill it. The liquid in the glass will help eliminate bad odors, but be sure to change it once a week to remove the contaminated liquid and put in a “fresh” one.
-Other natural remedies to eliminate bad odors in the refrigerator: the list to remember:
In addition to vinegar, there are other natural products useful for cleaning the house and the refrigerator. Here we present them to you:
1- Baking soda: Mixed with warm water to clean, baking soda is very effective in eliminating odors. Also dissolved in water in a glass, it can have the same effect as vinegar.
2- Lemon: Diluted in water at the end of washing the refrigerator, lemon will help eliminate bad odors. You can also place half a lemon on a shelf in the refrigerator to attract impurities and odors, leaving the refrigerator scented.
3-Water and salt solution: To rinse and degrease the refrigerator, eliminating bad odors.
4-Potato: Peel a potato and place it in the refrigerator to prevent bad odors. You should change it every 2-3 days, as it will attract odors and darken over time.
-Also, to prevent bad odors, make sure to tightly seal foods, especially those with strong odors, such as onions, cheeses, etc. Always check that nothing is spoiling in the fridge, as it will be difficult to remove them.
-By doing these things, you will be sure to always have a clean, fresh and efficient refrigerator for your food