
Castor oil – an elixir that heals everything

By Lilia

Castor oil for the treatment of various health conditions and for a beautiful appearance

This oil is a versatile product and you can use it for treatment and to improve your appearance. 

Removes brown spots on the skin , heals wounds, relieves ankle and back pain, and that’s not all!

1. Take 5 drops of castor oil in the morning to relieve allergy symptoms.

2. When treated with castor oil, wounds and minor cuts heal much faster.

3. Pregnant women should massage their abdomen with castor oil to prevent stretch marks.

4. Gently massage your injured wrists with castor oil and wrap them in transparent or aluminum foil.

5. A drop of castor oil in the ear is enough to prevent hearing loss .

6. Drop castor oil in your eyes to cure cataracts . 

Do this before going to bed.

7. Regular application of castor oil contributes to the treatment of pilonidal cysts.

8. Mix castor oil and baking soda to remove brown spots on your skin.

9. Gently rub castor oil into your eyelids to relieve eye allergies, preferably before bed.

10. Massage the lower back with castor oil once a week.

11. Compress with castor oil prevents constipation .

12. Apply a castor oil compress on your neck every day to get rid of vocal cord nodules. 

The same treatment can help relieve chronic hoarseness. 

For best results, use castor oil within 3 months.

13. Take 6-8 drops of castor oil daily to relieve tinnitus . 

The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

14. Apply a castor oil compress to your abdomen to treat hyperactivity.

15. Warts disappear after treatment with castor oil within a month.

16. Massage your feet with castor oil to reduce calcium deposits.

17. Mix castor oil and baking soda into a thick paste. 

Apply to any affected area of ​​skin to treat skin cancer.

18. Apply castor oil on the abdominal area to stop snoring . 

The treatment lasts a week or two.

19. Apply castor oil to the bee sting site to reduce both pain and swelling.

20. Accelerate hair growth with castor oil. 

Massage your scalp every day for 20 minutes. 

You can do this before washing your hair.

21. Castor oil helps to cure hepatitis quickly.

22. Treat nail fungus with castor oil. 

Regular use gives optimal results.

23. Use castor oil to get more strength while fighting alcoholism.

24. Apply castor oil topically to treat melanoma.

25. Castor oil improves the overall health of people diagnosed with cancer.

Castor oil has a wonderful effect on blood circulation, which is why it is usually added to compresses.

The use of castor oil in such procedures gives amazing results and does not require much effort. 

Fill a hot water bottle. 

First, you can clean your skin with a saline solution before applying the compress.

See also: Jellied meat the best food for joints!

Next, heat the oil and soak a piece of gauze in it. 

Apply the gauze to the affected area. 

Wrap the area with cling film and secure the bottle that you have already filled with hot water. 

Fix with a towel and leave the compress to work for an hour.

Apply the castor oil compress for 40 days. 

Remember to always keep your compress warm. 

Make a new compress if your oil changes smell or color.

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