
Do they have a CHRISTMAS CACTUS in this place? In an instant, all its flowers will fall!

By Lesia

Cette plante anticipates the arrival of Christmas and its beautiful inflorescences will add charm to any interior.

But what to do when the plant dies?

Learn this trick and your Christmas cactus will look more beautiful than ever!

Follow these recommendations from the Genius portal.

The inflorescences of the Christmas cactus immediately catch our attention.

This plant is often used for interior decoration at Christmas.

We often wonder why a plant that was full of flowers when we bought it starts to lose them after a few days.

It turns out that the key to success lies in the right home conditions for growing this charming plant.

What should you know about the Christmas cactus?

The Christmas cactus is one of the most spectacular flowering indoor plants.

In autumn and winter, it becomes a unique decoration for homes and apartments.

This species grows in the humid tropical forests of Brazil and is classified as an epiphyte, that is, a plant that grows on trees and rocks.

Currently, up to 200 varieties of this plant are cultivated.

They all have something in common: they bloom in winter.

The flowers of the plant resemble long bells that grow from shoots located at the top of the youngest section of the plant.

The plant’s buds attract attention with their juicy colours of pink, violet and red, although white and cream varieties also exist.

Thanks to numerous modifications, even bicolor varieties have been selected.

The best place for a Christmas cactus If we want to enjoy its long-lasting flowering, we place it in half shade or only diffuse light.

If you place it in full sun, rest assured that the sprouts will fall quickly.

It is also important to maintain an adequate temperature: in summer, it should be about 20 degrees Celsius and in winter, it should not exceed 10 degrees.

When the first flowers appear on the Christmas cactus, it is best to refrain from moving it from one place to another.

During this time, the plant becomes very sensitive and reacts to any changes by dropping buds.

Growing Christmas cactus in December During the flowering period, it should be watered very moderately.

Florists warn that the plant’s substrate should be constantly moist.

They also recommend using specially selected liquid fertilizers every two weeks.

The plant does not need to be transplanted too often, it is enough to do it every 3-4 years.

The secret of a Christmas cactus with exuberant flowering is to provide it with two rest periods a year: the first runs from August to October, and the second occurs between February and March, that is, just after flowering.

During these times, we should move the plant to a cool room, stop fertilizing completely, and reduce the frequency of watering.

By following these recommendations, the plant will bloom again.

How to prepare the right fertilizer for Christmas cactus?

The most popular fertilization technique is activated carbon.

It is an ideal choice for a plant that appears healthy but is not flowering.

You can also stimulate its flowering with this recipe.

Crush one or two activated charcoal tablets (depending on the age of the plant and the size of the pot).

Distribute the obtained powder evenly over the surface of the soil, then take a toothpick and gently dig to introduce the charcoal into the substrate.

Then, take 1 aspirin tablet, crush it and pour 1 liter of water.

Let it dissolve completely.

Pour the solution obtained over the plant or use it with a sprayer to also spray it on the leaves.

You can store the solution in the refrigerator for several days.

Natural Fertilizers for Christmas Cactus You don’t need expensive fertilizers and you can get by with these homemade ones!

Apple Fertilizer The Christmas cactus loves apples and there is nothing easier than preparing this fertilizer for it.


Cut a medium-sized apple and add 2 liters of water.

Let it soak for 2 days and then you can apply it to the plant.

Thanks to this fertilizer, the plant will receive the necessary dose of iron, phosphorus, potassium and other beneficial trace elements.

Natural and healthy.

Wood Ash Ash is suitable for almost all plants.

The resulting solution saturates the plant with potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

It doesn’t matter which tree the ash comes from, and the procedure is very simple.

Procedure :

Mix 2 tablespoons with 1 liter of water and let sit for approximately 3 hours.

That’s it, the fertilizer is ready to use.

Ash is considered what is called “the gold of the oven”.

Ashes can serve as the main component of fertilizer, but can also be added to compost.

Birch wood ashes contain the largest amount of phosphorus.

Ashes contain the most important micronutrients such as boron, manganese and others.

Banana Peels Banana peels are rich in potassium and manganese, which makes them very useful for plants.

In addition, they also contain sodium, iron and phosphorus, which also strengthen the plant.

Procedure :

Take 2 banana peels and cover them with 1.5 liters of water.

Let them soak for 1 day and then you can water the Christmas cactus with this fertilizer up to the root to meet all its needs.