
This remedy is worth its weight in gold for your peace plant, which will remain healthy and flourishing for years.

By Lesia

How to Make the Peace Lily Bloom

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is an ornamental plant that has gained popularity due to its beauty and ease of cultivation. Native to the rainforests of Central and South America, it stands out for its dark green leaves and soft white flowers that bloom in long inflorescences.

To grow a peace lily, it is crucial to choose a location with good lighting, but avoiding direct exposure to the sun, which could burn the leaves. The plant prefers moist, well-drained soil, so it is important to avoid water stagnation that could cause the roots to deteriorate.

The Peace Lily tolerates a wide range of temperatures, but thrives best in a warm, humid environment to encourage growth and flowering.

Regarding irrigation, it is essential to keep the soil always moist, but avoiding excess water to prevent the appearance of mold or fungi. It is also necessary to regularly check the quality of the water used for irrigation, as hard or alkaline water can damage the roots of the plant.

Additional peace lily care includes regularly pruning spent inflorescences to keep the plant healthy and encourage the production of new flowers. Additionally, the plant can be fertilized once a month during the growing season to ensure a balanced supply of nutrients.

In short, the peace lily is an ideal plant for gardening lovers looking for an easy-to-grow plant capable of offering abundant flowering. With proper care, this plant can thrive in any home environment, bringing peace and beauty to your home.

Create this Mix and Make it Bloom

Peace lily flowers are known for their beauty and delicacy. To keep them healthy and strong, it is important to provide them with proper nutrition. One way to achieve this is by creating a mixture of bone meal and charcoal.

Bone meal is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium, which are essential elements for plant growth. It stimulates root growth and keeps the plant strong and healthy. In addition, bone meal also has anti-parasitic properties that can help protect the plant against damage caused by insects or diseases.

Charcoal, also known as biochar, is an organic material produced by the controlled burning of plant materials. It has beneficial properties for plant health, including improving soil structure and increasing water and nutrient retention capacity.

To create the mixture, combine bone meal and charcoal in a 1:1 ratio. This mixture can be applied directly to the soil around the base of the peace lily or added to irrigation water.

Creating a mixture of bone meal and charcoal can be an effective way to fertilize your peace lily. These ingredients can help keep the plant strong and healthy, preventing damage from insects or disease. For best results, it is important to follow the instructions for the correct amount of mixture to use and how often to apply it.