
How to Get Rid of Slugs in Your Garden: 15 Natural Methods

By Lilia

Slugs can quickly become a threat to your garden, damaging your plants and crops. Fortunately, there are several natural and eco-friendly methods to control these unwanted people without resorting to harmful chemicals. Here are 15 effective ways to get rid of slugs in your garden.

  1. Use physical barriers
    Place physical barriers like crushed eggshells, wood ash or wood chips around your plants. Slugs have difficulty crossing these rough obstacles.
  2. Beer traps
    Dig small holes in the ground and place shallow containers filled with beer. Slugs are attracted to the smell, fall into traps and drown.
  3. Use coffee grounds
    Slugs don’t like the abrasive texture of coffee grounds. Spread it around your plants to deter them.
  4. Snail shells
    Sprinkle crushed snail shells around your plants. Slugs will avoid these areas to avoid injury.
  5. Essential oils
    Certain essential oils, like peppermint oil, can repel slugs. Mix a few drops with water and spray around the garden.
  6. Avoid watering in the evening
    Slugs are most active at night. By avoiding watering in the evening, you reduce the conditions favorable to their activity.
  7. Eliminate hiding places
    Reduce potential hiding places by removing debris, dead leaves and unnecessary boards where slugs could hide.
  8. Use repellent plants
    Certain plants, such as sage, lavender and garlic, have slug-repelling properties. Plant them strategically in your garden.
  9. Add salt
    Sprinkle salt around affected plants. However, use it with caution, as excess salt can damage the soil.
  10. Wood Ash Mulch
    Wood ash mulch can create a protective barrier. Be careful not to overdo it, as this can change the pH of the soil.
  11. Use nematodes
    Predatory nematodes are tiny organisms that attack slugs without harming other soil organisms.
  12. Sticky Traps
    Place sticky traps around your plants. Slugs stick to them when they try to move.
  13. Apply Vinegar
    A mixture of water and vinegar sprayed on slugs can deter them due to its strong odor.
  14. Night lighting
    Slugs prefer darkness. By installing night lighting, you can reduce their activity.
  15. Crop rotation
    Change the location of your crops each year to disrupt slug habitats.

By combining these methods, you can create an integrated strategy to effectively eliminate slugs from your garden without resorting to harmful chemicals. Adopt these natural approaches to preserve the ecological balance of your garden while ensuring the health of your plants.

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