
You are worried about the loose skin on your hands – 3 tips that help

By Lilia

You are worried about the loose skin on your hands – 3 tips that help.

If you don’t like and are worried about the loose skin on your hands and have decided to do something about it, you’ve come to the right place.

We will share with you 3 simple exercises that will help you with this problem.

And you don’t even have to get off the couch!

Be persistent and your arms will be much stronger after regular practice of these exercises. 

The exercises are simple but very effective.

The result can be seen within a few weeks and you will feel the effect in the first days.

The main rule when performing these exercises is to keep your shoulders and back straight.

How to get rid of flabby arms – 3 simple exercises

This is very important for two reasons:

To engage the muscle groups we need.

To eliminate slouching and improve posture, because posture is key not only for health, but also for a more beautiful appearance.

1. Exercise

We sit on a chair or an armchair (you can also be standing).

Straighten your back and stretch your arms.

Then we bend our elbows and place our palms on our shoulders.

We smoothly perform circular movements forward and backward.

Do all the movements without straining and without feeling discomfort. 

Try to draw elbow circles with maximum amplitude to include all muscles.

Do 15 rounds forward and 15 rounds back.

You can also try with straight arms.

2. Exercise

You can do this exercise standing or sitting.

We sit on a chair, keep our back straight, try not to lower our shoulders, but rather to straighten them.

Then we raise our hands to the sides.

We imagine that we are scissors, we make simple transverse movements with our hands, as in the picture.

Switch hands.

We repeat 30-40 times.

You will feel your muscles working.

3. Exercise

We stretch our hands above our heads.

Then we slowly lower our hands (bend them at the elbows) to the back of the head.

This is our starting position when the triceps are maximally stretched.

Only from this position we bend our arms up and feel how the muscles of the arm tense up.

To increase the load, you can take a book, a bottle of water or a dumbbell.

Do this exercise 25-30 times.

In the future you can try to do it with only one hand but it will require more effort.

Recommendations for slimming the arms and preventing the appearance of fat deposits

It is not recommended to limit yourself only to exercise. So, until the next summer season, you don’t have to worry about finding a sleeveless outfit or feeling uncomfortable when you go to the beach, you need to make some adjustments to your usual routine:

Eat right

The main “friend” of full hands is an incorrectly composed daily diet. And even if fat deposits appear only in this area, it means that there are harmful foods on the menu that promote fat accumulation, not healthy ones.

You should definitely include more vegetables and fruits in your daily menu. They make you feel full faster and replace foods that harm your figure, resulting in an overall reduction in calorie intake.

Food rich in fiber allows you to increase the speed of metabolic processes and therefore burn more calories. It helps to remove fat deposits and satiates for a long time. Any low-fat protein food containing slow carbohydrates will be an excellent addition to a proper diet.

Reduce portions

You should eat small amounts of food, but only at regular intervals. This routine allows you to avoid feeling overly hungry and reduce the number of calories you consume.

Be sure to have breakfast

Don’t skip this important meal. It is the first and allows you not to overeat during the day, since you already have a certain feeling of satiety in the morning.

Drink more water

Drinking fluids helps speed up your metabolism. 

If you drink water before a meal, the feeling of fullness comes much faster, that is, the number of calories you take in decreases.

Taking green tea

This drink helps burn calories. And if you drink a cup of this tea for breakfast and two or three more afterwards, it will speed up metabolic processes and burn more fat.

Do cardio every day

Daily physical activity helps you get rid of excess calories that come from food. 

Swimming, rowing, rock climbing, jumping rope, or other forms of cardio can help prevent new fat deposition and help shed existing fat. After a while, you will notice how the deposits just start to disappear.

Walk more

You should give up the elevator in favor of the stairs and give preference to walking when you can avoid using private and public transportation.

Exercises for slimming arms and shoulders, changing your own eating and drinking habits will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. The main thing is to maintain regularity. You can do one or several exercises at once. If you make a little effort, you can forever forget about sagging, unkempt, full and unattractive arms.

Good luck!