
Beetroot Sourdough for Heart and Liver Health

By Lilia

Red beet kvass to restore the liver and remove toxins

Your liver, kidneys, intestines and whole body will be completely cleansed and regenerated! Amazing results!

Different types of enzyme products are an integral part of traditional medicine. They contain substances that activate the functions of the liver, kidneys and intestines.

They aid in the digestion of various types of food. Fermentation of milk, vegetables and fruits made it possible to preserve valuable products for a long time when there were no refrigerators – sauerkraut, cucumbers, apples, watermelons, etc.

This article focuses on beets, which are an extremely healthy vegetable in their own right. 

Its fresh juice is used to treat many diseases and even leukemia.

According to several medical studies, fermented beetroot can prevent cancer, cleanse and regenerate the liver, and remove toxins and waste from the body.

It relieves constipation and solves many other health problems related to the gastrointestinal tract, intestines and digestion.

Traditional medicine considers the sour liquid from red beetroot to be the best natural remedy for atherosclerosis, varicose veins, as well as for lowering high blood pressure. 

It can remain normal for a very long time, even after you stop consuming it.

It is extremely suitable for detoxification and regeneration of the body after aggressive chemotherapy.

To prepare this recipe you need:

3-liter jar
700 grams of beetroot
2 slices of dry rye bread
200 grams of sugar (white or brown, you can also use honey, but honey slows down the fermentation a lot)
100 grams of raisins

Take fresh beets, cut them into small cubes or thin slices and pour them into a jar. Add the raisins, bread and sugar.

Cover with boiled but cooled water and mix well (some people add cabbage juice to stimulate fermentation). 

Cover with a towel or cheesecloth and secure with an elastic band. Let it sit in a warm place for 6-7 days.

Stir the contents 2 times a day and, if necessary, remove the foam from the surface, if any. Strain after a week.

Take 3-4 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. Store in the refrigerator.

After using all the liquid, take a break of 3 months and then repeat the course, take a break again and do the course again.

After one year, your liver, kidneys, intestines and your whole body will be completely cleansed and regenerated.

While using this beetroot kvass, you may get diarrhea for a while. Your body is being cleansed of toxins!


Not recommended for people with kidney problems and acute digestive problems.

In these cases, discuss the consumption of this kvass with your doctor.

Also, be careful if you have low blood pressure because it can drop even more.