
4 things that happen to the body when uric acid levels rise – important information!

By Lilia

You have probably heard many times about hyperuricemia, it is a large excess of uric acid in the blood.

But do you know what exactly it is? Why do such conditions arise? And how does it endanger health?

High uric acid: causes, symptoms and treatment

Uric acid is formed in the body as a result of the metabolism of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). 

Although a small part is formed during the breakdown of purine, a type of protein present in the food we eat. 

The more protein we get, the more uric acid the body produces.

Uric acid usually does not cause health problems if it is functionally excreted by the kidneys. 

The problem arises when its level increases. 

This is when the body produces too much uric acid or does not remove it properly.

In this case, hard crystals are formed, which settle on the joints, causing severe pain.

The main causes of increased uric acid content:

Excessive production by the body itself;

Problems with excretion through the kidneys;

Improper nutrition with an excess of protein-rich foods;

Consumption of alcohol and other harmful substances.

In addition, there are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of the disease:

Regular use of large amounts of caffeine;

Constant consumption of alcohol;

Family history of gout;

Use of iodine X-ray contrast;

Stressful situations;

High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol.


High uric acid levels may not cause symptoms. 

Although one of the main consequences of this problem is the appearance of gout, due to the accumulation of acid crystals deposited in the joints.

Other symptoms:

Joint pain, swelling and redness;

Difficulty moving the joints, especially in the fingers, knees, ankles, heels and toes;

Deformations occur in severely affected joints;

Stubborn kidney stones are also common. 

This causes deep, severe pain in the lower back and difficulty urinating.


Treatment aimed at normalizing uric acid. 

It is based on diet: minimizing or eliminating foods high in purine and drinking plenty of water with low mineral content.

To relieve the pain caused by inflammation of the joints, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 

Doctors also often prescribe drugs that block the absorption of urates.

In terms of gout prevention, there are xanthine oxidase inhibitors. 

Although it is not recommended to use them only when joint pain occurs, as the condition may worsen.


It is very important to change your diet to lower your uric acid levels. 

Here are some of the products to look out for:







Citrus fruits


Water with low mineralization

And these are the products that are prohibited:

Red meat


Types of fish






Carbonated drinks

How to prevent all this

To avoid increasing uric acid levels, you should follow some tips:

If you have risk factors, see your doctor once a year to monitor your condition.

Drink anti-inflammatory and diuretic infusions twice a week. 

Chamomile and horsetail are recommended.

Drink at least two liters of water a day.

Don’t eat seafood or red meat too much or too often.

Always consult your doctor about any questions you may have about your health.

Be healthy!