
The healing mixture of baking soda and lemon saves lives annually

By Lilia

The recipe for the healing mixture of baking soda and lemon, which cures many ailments, has been used by people for many years.

We use baking soda and lemon juice only to prepare various desserts and dishes, not for treatment. 

This recipe has caused a lot of controversy, but where there is controversy, truth is born.

We will tell you about the healing properties of lemon and baking soda and why it is so beneficial to use the two products together.

Sodium bicarbonate with lemon

Lemon juice and sodium bicarbonate products contain many nutrients, minerals and trace elements that can protect the human body from various diseases. 

These are not medicines, but products that only help us take care of our health and strengthen our immune system.

Baking soda with lemon helps to cleanse the body, fight germs and is an excellent cancer prevention. 

One of the main fans of baking soda is Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumivakin, whose research in the field of alternative medicine has helped thousands of people overcome serious illnesses.

“We must live in harmony with nature and skillfully use what it gives us,” says the professor.

Let’s see how useful the mixture of baking soda and lemon is and how to properly apply this remedy.

Useful properties

Cleanses the body of toxins and deposits

Baking soda and lemon juice are a great solution for those who want to take care of their health. 

Therefore, a glass of water with a slice of lemon and baking soda in the morning is able to activate and strengthen the immune system. 

The antioxidants that this drink is rich in make it an excellent cleanser. This mixture is a reliable partner in the fight against excess weight .

Normalizes the acid-base balance

The consumption of lemon and sodium bicarbonate is able to maintain the body’s acid-base balance under normal conditions. 

Imbalance in the body causes many acute and chronic diseases. 

An acidic environment is conducive to the development of all kinds of infections, so it is extremely beneficial to at least occasionally alkalize your body.

Improves the digestive process

The combination of sodium bicarbonate and lemon perfectly fights against increased acidity in the stomach, helps to get rid of heartburn and excessive accumulation of intestinal gases. 

Citric acid can dissolve kidney stones, has a beneficial effect on liver health and overcomes dyspeptic symptoms.

Regulates blood cholesterol

Another useful property of the wonderful mixture is the ability to regulate the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. 

A glass of water with sodium bicarbonate and lemon will save the cardiovascular system from serious diseases, it will be an excellent prevention against hypertension and atherosclerosis .

Preparation and consumption

Preparing this healthy mixture is very simple! Take clean drinking water at room temperature, not too hot and not too cold. 

Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and the juice of half a lemon to a glass of water. The drink is ready! Drink this drink in the morning before breakfast.

It is better to prepare the fresh drink every morning, because with long-term storage it will lose its healing properties. 

After 2 weeks of treatment, you should take a break and repeat the treatment after another 2 weeks.

Folk medicine can work wonders! 

Remedies such as lemon juice and baking soda are not only healing, but also extremely easy to prepare. 

Include a glass of healthy drink in your morning meal and you won’t regret it!

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