
The trick to make rosemary bloom to perfume the whole house

By Lesia

It is worth noting that it is one of the most widely used aromatic plants today.

But did you know that you can grow it at home and have beautiful flowers in a simple pot?

Rosemary – Source: spm

Like any plant, for it to thrive, we need to know it better and know what basic care it needs:

Flowering and tips for good growth:

First of all, you should know that rosemary blooms several times a year. Winter is its best time of year.

While it is essential that it receives a good dose of natural light, it is absolutely necessary not to leave it exposed to the sun for too long. The latter risks burning its leaves.

The best climate for rosemary is warm and temperate temperatures. However, it is very durable as long as temperatures are not below zero. It can adapt to droughts or intense rains, but it does not tolerate hail, frost or too intense summer sun. Excesses are always harmful.

Rosemary adapts to any place, both indoors and outdoors. For example, in winter we can have it in a corner near the living room or in summer we can take it out on the balcony with the rest of our plants.

Watering is essential: you should water it regularly, especially if you notice that the soil is really dry. During the warmer months, watering should be constant and almost daily. Especially if you feel that the flowers are becoming drier or almost yellowish.

It is also essential to have a pot or container with a good drainage hole to prevent the roots from rotting.

When you notice that your plant is not growing as it should, or that it is suddenly covered in pests, such as scale insects and aphids, consider pruning your plant. Above all, prune only the parts in poor condition, of course, respecting those that are in good health.

If you want to repot it, you will need to do so in early spring. Once removed from its container, it will be repotted immediately. You will then have to wait until the next season to see the rosemary flowers grow, as your plant will have to adapt and absorb the new nutrients that its new location will provide.

The best place for your rosemary

Taking into account all the advice we have given above to ensure that your rosemary flowers and grows as it should, it is no less important to find the best place for it to complete this cycle.

For cold climates, we recommend keeping it indoors. Once inside the house, find a spot near a window where it will receive the necessary natural light.

Keep it away from radiators or heaters that dry it out.

When the weather is nice, you can put it on your balcony, always taking care that it does not overheat in direct sunlight. A few hours of natural light are enough, the rest of the time it is better to place it in the shade.