
Thanks to this natural fertilizer, orchids bloom abundantly throughout the year.

By Lesia

If I had known I could just water an orchid with this fertilizer and it would look amazing, I would have done it a long time ago.

This simple diet will provide them with everything they need for healthy development.

They will bloom profusely and will be a decoration of your interior. 

Follow these recommendations from the YouTube channel Mẹo vặt cuộc sống.


4 cloves of garlic

1 l of water

20 ml of milk


Cut the garlic into smaller pieces with the skin on.

Put it in a glass jar.

And pour a liter of water.

Close the compost with the lid.

Let it rest wrapped in a towel for a day.

The next day, strain them through a coarse sieve and water the orchids with this natural fertilizer once every 15 days.

Before fertilizing, first immerse the pot with the orchid in a container with water and let it sit for 30 minutes. 

Next, drain the water, place the pot back in the container and pour the prepared compost onto the root.

Let it rest submerged for 20 minutes .

Now pour some milk into a small bowl, take a cotton swab and clean all the orchid leaves .

Milk contains valuable nutrients that benefit the plant.

It is advisable to repot the orchid every 2 years to keep it healthy.

Check the roots and remove any damaged ones with sharp scissors.

Next, clean the orchid leaves with garlic fertilizer.

This way they will be protected from pests and mold.

Get a new, clean pot with holes to drain excess water.

Place the orchid in the pot and cover it with pine bark or orchid substrate.

Pour over to soak until crust is moist.

After 20 minutes , remove the orchid, remove excess water and dry the pot.

Ready, with this procedure you will have exhibition orchids.