
Say goodbye to bad smells in the kitchen with this foolproof home trick

By Lesia

Bad smells in the kitchen can become a real problem, but fortunately there is a natural remedy that can help combat them. Discover how you can keep your kitchen always fragrant with this simple but effective home trick.

The Problem of Bad Odors:
The kitchen is one of the places most prone to bad odors, especially due to food residues that can accumulate in the sink and pipes. We often resort to expensive chemicals that may not be effective and also have a negative environmental impact.

Preventing Bad Odors:
To prevent drains from emitting bad odors, it is important to perform a thorough cleaning of the pipes regularly. Stagnant water in the pipes can lead to the appearance of mold and bacteria that cause bad odors.

The Trick to Scent the Kitchen:
Coarse salt is an excellent natural remedy to eliminate bad smells from kitchen pipes. It can be combined with baking soda and vinegar to enhance its effectiveness. A mixture of coarse salt and baking soda diluted in boiling water can be poured down the drain to eliminate bacteria and odors.

How to Apply:
You can also prepare a solution with coarse salt and vinegar, which is slowly poured into the pipes to effectively eliminate bad odors.

Coarse salt is a common ingredient found in every home, so this homemade trick can be applied whenever bad smells arise in the kitchen. With this simple remedy, you can always keep your kitchen fresh and fragrant, without having to resort to expensive chemicals!